Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister Ayoub Kara Meets with Aqaba Governor Dr. Hani Al-Mulki

Minister Ayoub Kara & Aqaba Governor Dr. Al-Mulki

  •   Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister Ayoub Kara Meets with Aqaba Governor Dr. Hani Al-Mulki
    ​Increasing the number of Jordanian day workers in Eilat hotels from the current 1,500 to 2,500; establishing a joint Aqaba-Eilat industrial zone, similar to that currently being established in the northern Jordan Valley, to also be a free trade zone with the Arab world; building a joint packaging and marketing center for agricultural products for export to Europe; and advancing a project to build saltwater fish farms on both sides of the border in order to create jobs and sources of food. 
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    Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara with PM Netanyahu Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara with PM Netanyahu Copyright: Courtesy
    (Communicated by the Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister's Media Advisor)
    Deputy Regional Cooperation Minister Ayoub Kara met with Aqaba Governor Dr. Hani Al-Mulki. The two discussed a series of issues in which there is bilateral cooperation, as well as ways to further deepen cooperation on economic, industrial, agricultural and energy issues.
    Among the specific topics discussed were: Increasing the number of Jordanian day workers in Eilat hotels from the current 1,500 to 2,500; establishing a joint Aqaba-Eilat industrial zone, similar to that currently being established in the northern Jordan Valley, to also be a free trade zone with the Arab world; building a joint packaging and marketing center for agricultural products for export to Europe; and advancing a project to build saltwater fish farms on both sides of the border in order to create jobs and sources of food. 
    Deputy Minister Kara briefed Aqaba Gov. Dr. Al-Mulki on the possibilities for cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia via Jordan on issues including transporting Saudi oil to Europe through the Eilat-Ashkelon pipeline, supplying Saudi Arabia with Israeli gas, supporting the Saudi aquaculture industry, the possibility of Israeli Muslims making the pilgrimage to Mecca via Eilat, and the possibility of opening another crossing in the Neot Hakikar area south of the Dead Sea for the passage of goods and workers (in tourism and agriculture). 
    The two men agreed to continue cooperating and appointed representatives to follow up on the issues they discussed. Next month they are due to hold a joint tour of a farm in Jordan in order to advance a bilateral agricultural project as well as the agricultural issues discussed at today's meeting.
    Senior Agriculture Ministry and Regional Development Ministry officials also participated in the meeting.