Counter-terrorism dialogue between Israel and EU held at the Israeli MFA in Jerusalem

Counter-terrorism dialogue between Israel and EU

  •   Counter-terrorism dialogue between Israel and EU held at the Israeli MFA in Jerusalem
    ​On September 13, 2016, the 2nd counter-terrorism dialogue between Israel and the European Union was held at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem.
    The Israeli delegation, led by the Head of Division for Strategic Affairs at the MFA and the Head of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau at the National Security Council, hosted the EU delegation, which was headed by Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service Pedro Serrano and the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Gilles de Kerchove. They discussed challenges in the field of counter-terrorism in Israel and Europe.
    The delegations included representatives of different agencies that deal with counter-terrorism from a wide range of perspectives such as defense, legislation, intelligence and law enforcement.