Container ship from the UAE docks at Haifa port

Container ship from the UAE docks at Haifa port

    ​PM Netanyahu: These are the fruits of peace that citizens of Israel are now enjoying. We are joining the State of Israel to the maritime artery that brings to it cheaper merchandise and products at excellent quality. This is good for every citizen.
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    PM Netanyahu on a tour of  Haifa port where the container ship from the UAE is anchored. PM Netanyahu on a tour of Haifa port where the container ship from the UAE is anchored. Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon.


    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Transportation Minister Miri Regev, today (Monday, 19 October 2020), toured the pier at Haifa port where the container ship from the UAE is anchored.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu following the visit:
    "We are on the deck of the ship that arrived from the United Arab Emirates, with very many containers. I asked what is in the containers and they explained to me – washing machines. This is now lowering the price of washing machines, electric devices and food. Everything that arrives here simply lowers the cost of living and every citizen of Israel will feel the impact of it.
    “These are the fruits of peace that you, citizens of Israel, are now enjoying. Not later, not in the future – now, because this is a warm peace. This is peace for peace, economics for economics. We are joining the State of Israel to the maritime artery that brings to it cheaper merchandise and products at excellent quality. This is good for every citizen.
    “It is important to understand, once Israel was a cul-de-sac, meaning that you could come here from the west and leave; you could not fly or sail. In effect, you were constrained. Now, Israel is becoming a main hub, both maritime and in the air. It is possible to fly in all directions, over Saudi Arabia and Jordan. This is a land, sea, air, technological, commercial and human hub. This is a very big thing.
    “This is a historic day, genuinely historic. This is the second visit to Israel of a ship from Dubai that has anchored in Haifa port."