The Fight against Terrorism The Need for Global Cooperation

The Fight against Terrorism: Joint EP event

  •   The Fight against Terrorism: The Need for Global Cooperation
    MEP Doru Frunzulica: “Countries such as Israel have been facing the constant threat of terror for decades and were forced to develop unique and highly efficient mechanisms to fight and prevent terrorism. I strongly believe that deepened cooperation, exchange of information and best practices could significantly improve the EU’s own capacities to fight terrorism.”
    The recent attacks in Europe, North America and Middle East have brutally reminded us that the EU is faced with an increasingly dangerous and challenging security environment and daily terror threats against its citizens and values.
     In the fight against terrorism the cooperation and exchange of information not only between EU member states’ intelligence agencies but also with external countries on a global scale must be significantly improved in order to face the challenge of rising terror together.
    The financing of terror, effective security mechanisms and efficient responses to terror attacks are fields specifically crucial in this regard.
    Countries such as Israel have been facing the constant threat of terror for decades and were forced to develop unique and highly efficient mechanisms to fight and prevent terrorism. I strongly believe that deepened cooperation, exchange of information and best practices could significantly improve the EU’s own capacities to fight terrorism.
    I therefore took the initiative to organize the conference “The Fight against Terrorism: The Need for Global Cooperation”, in collaboration with the Mission of Israel to the EU, with the organisation B’Nai B’rith, with MEP Viorica Dăncilă (S&D), MEP Elisabetta Gardini (EPP) and MEP Davor Ivo Stier (EPP).
    The conference focused on the improvement of EU-Israel cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism and hosted renowned experts from this field to discuss ways to improve the EU’s fight against terrorism. The idea of holding it came from the fact that I believe the most efficient way to fight terrorism is to do it from a wide range of perspectives such as international cooperation, defence, legislation, diplomacy, intelligence and law enforcement.
    Cooperating with the Mission of Israel is a natural consequence of these approaches and it is a pleasure for me to work together on these issues.  We share interests and common values with Israel and we can therefore greatly benefit from their experience and from their capacity to defend their security, their democratic way of living and the achievements obtained by their country. 
    MEP Doru Frunzulica is a Romanian Member of the Social Democrats.
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