President Rivlin meets EU leaders and NATO Secretary General in Brussels

President Rivlin visits Brussels

  •   President Rivlin meets EU leaders and NATO Secretary General in Brussels
    ​Against a background of high alert in Brussels, President Rivlin visited the European capital to meet with European leaders and NATO SG Stoltenberg. In a historic speech held in Hebrew President Rivlin addressed the plenary of the European Parliament.
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    President Reuven Rivlin addresses the European Parliament President Reuven Rivlin addresses the European Parliament Copyright: Mark Neiman/ GPO
    The President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin and his wife Mrs Nechama Rivlin arrived on Monday June 20th in Brussels for a 4 days visit. Alongside meetings with Belgian dignitaries the President met with European leaders of the major institutions of the European Union and NATO.
    Against a background of high alert in Brussels, President Rivlin held a working meeting with President of the European Council Donald Tusk. With regard to the heightened security level President Tusk highlighted the importance of cooperation on counter-terrorism and announced that the dialogue in the area will be launched later this year: “Terrorism can only be defeated if we face it together.”
    President Rivlin also stressed the significance of increased security cooperation with Israel’s Western partners during his meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The latter highlighted the importance of opening an Israeli mission to NATO headed by Israel's Ambassador to the EU and gladly accepted President Rivlin’s invitation to visit Israel soon: “I very much look forward to visiting Israel, and to developing an even closer relationship with Israel."
    After his meeting with the President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, President Rivlin addressed the plenary of the European Parliament in a historic speech held in Hebrew (the full speech can be found here). He related to  Europe’s role in the peace process and stressed how crucial direct talks between Palestinians and Israelis are:
    "Israel's conflict with the Palestinians is a great tragedy, and it is our responsibility and our will to build bridges of trust between the two people. Even if we cannot reach a lasting agreement at this moment, we must be active and build more trust between all sides. As part of this trust we must stay focused on the bi-lateral negotiations between the Palestinians and us. Direct talks are the only possible way to build trust and restore the conditions for a prospective peace between Palestinians and Israelis. There are no shortcuts or detours in the Middle East.”
    “The French initiative suffers from fundamental faults. The attempt to return to negotiations for negotiations’ sake, not only does not bring us near the long-awaited solution, but rather drags us further away from it. […] Currently the practical conditions, the political and regional circumstances, which would enable us to reach a permanent agreement between us – the Israelis and the Palestinians, are failing to materialize.”
    “If Europe is interested in serving as a constructive factor in striving for a future agreement, it will be incumbent upon you its leaders, to focus efforts at this time in a patient and methodic building of trust. Not through divestments, but through investment; not by boycotts, but by cooperation. […] I speak to you today in the name of a nation which abhors war and desires life and peace. And I must say: one cannot hope to achieve better results while resorting to the same outlooks and tools which have failed time after time previously.”
    During his encounter with President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and High Representative Federica Mogherini President Rivlin expressed his disappointment over President Abbas’ refusal to meet him: “I was happy to welcome the initiative by representatives of the EU to set a meeting between me and Abbas, who is also visiting ‪Brussels. I was sorry to learn he rejected such a meeting. We will not be able to build trust between us if we do not begin to speak directly, and look at what can be done and not at what cannot be done. And there is a lot that can be done."
    With regard to the upcoming Quartet report he stressed: "My European friends, we cannot agree on everything, but as friends and as true allies, I call upon you, please respect Israel's considerations, even when they are different from your own opinions; respect Israeli sovereignty, the democratic process of its decision-making, and overall our very duty to protect our people."
    All leaders spoke of the importance of the cooperation between Israel and the EU in a wide range of fields: European Commission President Juncker said, "I attach a huge importance in the exchange of young people between Israel and the European Union. Last year, 1600 students and teachers took part in such exchanges, and more than 300 youth workers did the same. The contacts from people to people are the most important and I encourage you and us to pursue this."
    President Rivlin concluded his visit by saying: "I think in this visit we achieved more than ever, even as we and our friends in the EU do not always see things the same way, we continue to march shoulder to shoulder. Israel shares a solid relationship with the EU in various fields and our cooperation is strong and active.”
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