Israeli surgeon enables Palestinian teen to stand again


  •   Israeli surgeon enables Palestinian teen to stand again
    Yusef, a disabled 19-year old Palestinian, sought treatment in Europe and Boston when his medical condition made it impossible for him to stand up and caused him terrible pain. When the treatments abroad did not bring the desired relief he finally found the solution close to his own home: he had his spine repaired in a complicated surgery in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center. And is now able to stand up again.
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    Hadassah spine specialist Dr. Josh Schroeder training IDF medics on treating back injuries. Hadassah spine specialist Dr. Josh Schroeder training IDF medics on treating back injuries. Copyright: Israel21c
    By Brian Blum and originally published on Israel21c.
    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict doesn’t enter into Israeli hospitals, where patients are treated equally, regardless of citizenship, religion or ethnicity.
    That’s how Yusef Rabaya, a 19-year-old from Jenin, located in the Palestinian Authority territories, received a revolutionary treatment in Israel that has transformed his life and got him walking again for the first time in nearly a year.
    Rabaya was born with cerebral palsy and a neuromuscular kyphosis – a curve from the front to the back of his body that looks like a hump.
    When Rabaya hit his teens, the curve became so pronounced that he could no longer stand and was in terrible pain. His parents searched for a cure in Europe, to no avail.
    Finally, the family made a connection in Boston where surgery was performed to implant rods into his back to strengthen his spine. But the rods broke and Rabaya was now confined to bed in even worse pain.
    The solution to Rabaya’s misery turned out to be not in Europe or Boston, but right here in Israel.
    Dr. Josh Schroeder, a senior surgeon and spine specialist at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center, performed four-hour reconstruction surgery.
    As a result of the surgery, Rabaya can stand again. He is now beginning physical therapy to build up the muscles that deteriorated during the time he couldn’t get out of bed.
    Rabaya’s father, Iyad, praised Schroeder and the Hadassah team “who saved my son.”
    Read the full article here