Israel through my eyes Commissioner Bienkowska on her recent Israel visit

Israel through my eyes: EU Commissioner Bieńkowska

    In the beginning of September Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs went on an official visit to Israel: “We already have a very good cooperation between my department and the Israeli counterparts and I would like to make this cooperation even better, quicker and more effective. I have also met with Israeli entrepreneurs and I must say that I was extremely impressed by their dynamism, passion and positive attitude.”
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    Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Elżbieta Bieńkowska, EU Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Copyright: European Commission
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    This month I have had the honour and pleasure to visit Israel. The visit was not only an official occasion to meet Israeli politicians and learn about the new policies of the Israeli Government but also a chance to experience a bit of the flavours of the country.
    During those two days in the Holy Land I had the chance to visit both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The vibrant, multi-cultural, colourful Tel Aviv is a very good place to enjoy the sun even during the European autumn. The atmosphere of this Mediterranean metropolis may remind the visitors the South European resorts. And the variety of cultural experience is definitely an additional attraction.
    The second day was spent in Jerusalem and was more poignant and solemn with the visit to Yad Vashem and the holy sites of our religions.  Remembering the victims of the Holocaust is not only our moral obligation but also our task for the future generations so that horrendous atrocities like that may never occur again.
    The political engagements concentrated on enhancing cooperation between the EU and Israel. We already have a very good cooperation between my department and the Israeli counterparts and I would like to make this cooperation even better, quicker and more effective.
    I have also met with Israeli entrepreneurs and I must say that I was extremely impressed by their dynamism, passion and positive attitude that many could learn from them.
    And one last but not least thing – in all parts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem I was reminded by our common Israeli–Polish history, i.e. our community of language, of seeing the world in a similar way, of not being afraid to take risks and actions.
    Thanks to the people I met in Israel - in the streets, in the hotel, in the restaurants – I really felt like at home there and I am definitely going to come back again in the future.
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