International women’s day 2019 in Israel

International women’s day 2019 in Israel

     All organizations agree and conclude that dialogue and awareness is needed in order to continue to make change.

    This year’s international women’s day theme was #BalanceforBetter with the goal of  “Think equal, build smart, innovate for change”


    UN Women explains that the theme focuses on innovative ways in which we can advance gender equality and the empowerment of women, particularly in the areas of social protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure.
    The Tel Aviv Symposium held an event which aimed to celebrate achievements of women. This event was sponsored by NCJW and the Dafna Fund, the first and only Israeli feminist venture capital fund.
    During this event a new report by Dr. Nancy Strichman, was discussed. The report “Past Achievements and Future Directions of Women’s and Feminist Organizations in Israel” concludes that Israel has made impressive strides in elevating the voices of women and normalizing feminist discourse across society. However, Dr Strichman still emphasizes that there still is a need for progress and growth.
    Nathalie Portman this year’s Genesis Prize recipient, shared her good wishes over a video message at the opening ceremony at the Tel Aviv Symposium. She stressed, “It is a conference like this where conversations can lead to real progress.”
    Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu marked the day through a Facebook post where he thanked the women of Israel for their contribution, and declared that great strides have been made towards gender equality. He also praised his wife, Sara for her devotion to their family and to society.
    On a more symbolic and cultural level,  2000 Israeli women united to sing ‘Titanium’ by Sia. This project was organized by Na’amat women’s rights group and Koolulam, a social media platform that brings Israelis together in song. The organizers chose this song for it powerful lyrics and message about women who stand together to celebrate their power.
    There were many other events throughout the country to mark International Women’s day, such as Esther Rada’s performance and the International Women’s Day Seminar in Tel Aviv.
    Additionally, an EU Delegation to Israel marked the day by organizing a set of events supporting dialogue with women from different sectors of Israeli society.
    All organizations agree and conclude that dialogue and awareness is needed in order to continue to make change. Although many advancements have been made, there are still issues that plague Israeli women as other western women, namely salary gaps, sexual harassment and sexual assault and the issue of adequate representation in decision making levels both at the public and private sectors. The struggle is not yet done for women around the globe, but as the #metoo movement has proven, when we join forces and fight together, great changes can be made.