
News and Events

    • Cheaper Medicine in Europe

      Christofer Fjellner is a Swedish centre-right MEP, Marek Siwiec is a Polish centre-left MEP, Sarah Ludford is a British Liberal MEP, and Charles Tannock is a British MEP from the European C ...
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    • Israeli Report to the AHLC

      The Government of Israel views the bilateral track with the Palestinians as the only way to reach a sustainable solution, based on two states for two peoples.
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    • Israel-EU ACAA Agreement

      The European Parliament is currently considering a very pragmatic issue for European citizens: an agreement with Israel to facilitate the import of high-quality and affordable medicines int ...
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    • Holocaust Remembrance Day

      On Tuesday January 24, 2012, the international community gathered at the European Parliament in honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which marks the liberation of the Auschwitz ...
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    • High-Tech Lessons from Israel

      On Wednesday November 30, the New Direction Foundation hosted Israeli journalist and co-author of the book Start-Up Nation, Mr. Saul Singer. The event was co-sponsored by the Mission of Isr ...
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