Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    Pillar of Defense Update for Nov. 18

    Netanyahu: Israel is making every effort to avoid hitting civilians while Hamas and other terrorist organizations are making every effort to hit civilian targets in Israel.
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    More than 3 Million Israelis Under Rockets Threat

    More than 820 rockets have been fired at Israel since last Saturday. Israel appreciates the support of the international community.
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    Medical supplies in Gaza during Pillar of Defense

    Ministry of defence update regarding the medical supplies in Gaza during operation Pillar of Defense.
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    Netanyahu and Peres discuss operation (video)

    Peres: "– We cannot abandon women and children to the madness of Hamas." Netanyahu: "We do anything in our power to minimize civilian casualties."
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    550 Rockets launched at Israel in the last 3 days

    In the last three days, more than 550 rockets have been fired from Gaza at Israel. Operation's objective is to restore peace on Israel's borders and protect Israeli citizens.
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    PM Netanyahu's statement to the foreign press

    Israel has made it clear that it will not tolerate rocket and missile attacks on its civilians. I hope that the terror organizations in Gaza got the message. If not, Israel is prepared to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people
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    3 Israelis Killed, Millions under rockets

    Three Israelis were killed and three children wounded when a missile hit Kiryat Malachi. Rockets hit Beer Sheba and an area near Rishon Lezion. Millions of Israelis under rocket threat.
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    Israel Responds to Hamas Rocket Attacks

    ​The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) launched Wednesday afternoon a defensive strike on a significant number of long range rockets sites owned by Hamas.
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    Peres updates Obama regarding the Gaza operation

    ​President Peres spoke to President Obama this afternoon about the situation in southern Israel and Gaza. "Our intension is not to raise the flames, but already for days, day and night, they are shooting rockets at Israel." ​
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    Southern Israel under fire from Gaza

    Over 120 rockets have been fired at southern Israel from Gaza since Saturday evening (Nov 10), after an anti-tank missile struck a military jeep near the Karni crossing wounding four soldiers, two seriously.
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    Israelis pitch in for Hurricane Sandy victims

    Israeli NGOs have been busy delivering fuel, food and generators to the hardest-hit areas in New York and New Jersey
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    Israeli leaders congratulate US President Obama

    PM Netanyahu: "I will continue to work with President Obama in order to assure the interests that are vital to the security of the citizens of Israel."
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    PM Netanyahu meets with Microsoft CEO Ballmer

    The combination of the State of Israel and Microsoft is natural since the Israeli high-tech industry is among the world's leaders.
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    17th anniversary of PM Rabin's assassination

    On Sunday, October 28, 2012 (12 Heshvan on the Jewish calendar), Israel marked the 17th anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin on November 4, 1995.
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    Cardboard bicycle designed by Israeli inventor

    A cardboard bicycle designed by an Israeli inventor may change transportation habits in some of the world's busiest cities.
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