Update: 550 rockets launched in the past three days

550 Rockets launched at Israel in the last 3 days

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    Israelis Taking Shelter in Kiryat Malachi Nov 15 Israelis Taking Shelter in Kiryat Malachi Nov 15 Copyright: Uriel Sinai / Getty Images / November 15, 2012

    ​97 rockets were fired from Gaza hit Israel today, November 16. Within the last 24 hours, Hamas has aimed rockets at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Israel's largest population centers, as well as dozens of Israeli cities in the south. In the last three days, more than 550 rockets have been fired from Gaza at Israel.

    Israel has entered into a military operation Pillar of Defense to defend its citizens. Over 1300 rockets have been fired at Israel since the beginning of 2012. The sole objective of this operation is to restore peace on Israeli borders and protect Israeli citizens. The government of Israel is prepared to take any measure necessary, including a ground operation to put an end to Hamas rocket fire and protect Israeli civilians.

    President Shimon Peres said today: "This is not the launch of a war but a justified defense of our civilians and the world stands with Israel. Those who preach to us about morality should offer an alternative way to stop the rocket fire from Hamas. No country would agree for its children to live in that intolerable situation."

    More information on the situation in Israel: