Update: Three Israeli Killed

3 Israelis Killed, Millions under rockets

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    Kiryat Malachi Apartment hit by a rocket from Gaza Kiryat Malachi Apartment hit by a rocket from Gaza Copyright: Photo By: Tsemach Shkolnik
    Civilians Running away from Rockets_Moshe Milner GPO.jpg
    Israeli civilians in Kiryat Malachi escaping rockets fired from Gaza (Nov. 15). Photo by: Moshe Milner, GPO

    Updated 5:00 PM:

    More than 270 rockets have been launched at Israel from Gaza in the past two days. Rockets hit the southern city of Be'er Sheba and an area near Rishon Lezion. More than one million Israelis remain under the threat of Gaza rocket fire.

    In 2012 alone. more than 800 rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza. The Government of Israel has decided to respond with targeted and surgical strikes against those responsible, and to impair its terrorist infrastructure. 

    Statement by PM Netanyahu: "In recent days and weeks, Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in Gaza have made normal life impossible for over one million Israelis. No government would tolerate a situation where nearly a fifth of its people live under a constant barrage of rockets and missile fire, and Israel will not tolerate this situation. This is why my government has instructed the Israeli Defense Forces to conduct surgical strikes against the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza. And this is why Israel will continue to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people." (Read the full statement).​

    Statement by Ambassador Oren: "Israel has the right and duty to defend itself from terrorist attacks designed to kill thousands of its citizens. We are sending an unequivocal message that our citizens will not be hostage to terrorist missile fire and cross-border attacks. The scope of the IDF's defensive operation depends on Hamas and whether it takes the decision to cease firing missiles on our neighborhoods and homes."

    Updated 10:30 AM:

    This morning three Israelis were killed and three children wounded when a missile hit an apartment building in Kiryat Malachi, in southern Israel. May the memories of those killed be a blessing: Mirah (nee Cohen) Scharf, 25 year old, pregnant, mother of three; Aharon Smagda, 40 year old, father of three; Yitzchak Amsalem, 22 years old.

    In the 24 hours since Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, 200 rockets have been fired at southern Israel from Gaza. More than one million Israelis remain under the threat of Gaza rocket fire.

    Yesterday President Shimon Peres PM Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with President Barack Obama about Israel's response to the attacks launched by Gaza terrorists on Israel. The Prime Minister expressed his deep apprecia
    tion for President Obama's support of Israel's right to defend itself. 

    President Peres: "Our intention is not to raise the flames, but for days already, day and night, they are shooting rockets at Israel. Mothers and their children cannot fall asleep. I was there today with the children. There are limits to what Israel is able to absorb." 

    For more updates:

    The Embassy of Israel  on Twitter and on Facebook
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter and on Facebook​​
    IDF on Twitter and on the IDF Blog

    Apartment Building in Kiryat Malachi hit by a rocket Photo By: Tsemach Shkolnik

    Rockets Fired from Gaza intercepted by "Iron Dome" in Ashkelon. Photo By: Ariel Kruglakov

    Rockets on Kiryat Malachi


    Family takes shelter in Southern Israel
