Pillar of Defense: Medical Supplies in Gaza

Medical supplies in Gaza during Pillar of Defense

    ​​Israeli ministry of defence update regarding the medical supplies in Gaza during operation Pillar of Defense:

    1. Gaza hospitals are reported to be at 80% capacity, only slightly higher than intake then during routine periods.

    2. On November 17th, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories updated Hassin el Alshich that, despite the problematic security situation and the ongoing rocket fire, it would be possible to transfer medical supplies into Gaza. 

    3. Tomorrow morning, 18 November 2012, 10 Red Cross trucks with medical supplies and one UNRWA truck are scheduled to enter Gaza via Kerem Shalom Crossing. Two trucks have been designated as being of particular importance as they are carrying much needed anesthetics and bandages. 

    4. Since the start of the operation there have been two reported incidents of light damage to medical facilities due to shocks from Israeli air strikes on terrorist infrastructure in the vicinity.
    a. Light damage to windows and doors of the Al-Quds hospital and the nearby Palestinian Red Crescent station in the Gaza district. Two Al Quds workers also sustained light injuries. 
    b. Light damage to windows in the Al-Karma hospital in the Jabaliya District.  

    Pillar of Defense: Medical Supplies in Gaza