Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
  • Press Room
  • Press Room

    HISTORY: Biblical Times

    Jewish history began about 4,000 years ago (c. 17th century BCE) with the patriarchs - Abraham, his son Isaac, and grandson Jacob.
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    Sheera Talpaz

    Israeli Literature; Alternative Modes of Understanding the Middle East Conflict​.
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    Assaf Shelleg

    Israeli Music, Jewish Music, Israeli cultural history, Music in the Holocuast
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    Yoni Bloch

    Israeli Society, Israeli Innovation
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    Dan Chyutin

    Israeli Culture through Cinema; Jewish Themes in World Film; Film Theory and Form; Hollywood Cinema
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    David Fisher

    The Israeli Society through the Eyes of a Documentary Film; Creating a Movie from a Subjective Point of View
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    Oren Laor

    Performance of the Revival of Dance Work from 1987: Different Aspects from this Process of Reenactment
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    Sharon Aronson-Lehavi

    Theatre and Israeli Culture
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    Niv Sheinfeld

    Performance of the Revival of Dance Work from 1987: Different Aspects from this Process of Reenactment
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    Oded Ezer

    Recent Works between Art and Type Design; Experimental Typographic Design; Contemporary Israeli Graphic Design; Being a Tel Aviv Designer
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    Tikva Meroz-Aharoni

    War and Peace in Israeli Literature; Women Write about Women; The Transformation of Hebrew Literature to Cinema; The Shah in Israeli Literature
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    Anat Gilboa

    Israeli identity and its complex representation in Israeli visual culture; Gender themes in Israeli visual culture; The Hebrew language in visual culture; War and conflict in Israeli art
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    Miri Talmon

    presentation of Israeli history and politics in the cinema, exporting Israeli television to the US, pluralism in the Israeli cinema
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    Sariel Birnbaum

    Image of the Jew in Arab Cinema; Revolutions in the Arab World; Cinema Predicting Revolutions in the Arab World and beyond; Image of the Jew in World Cinema; PLO, Hamas and their historical narrative
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