Dan Chyutin

Dan Chyutin

  •   American University
    Israeli Culture through Cinema; Jewish Themes in World Film; Film Theory and Form; Hollywood Cinema​

    Dates in the U.S.: January 28th - May 8th, 2013

    Dan Chyutin is a PhD Candidate in Critical Cultural Studies and Film at the University of Pittsburgh. He earned a BFA degree from Tel Aviv University’s Film and Television Department, an MA degree from New York University’s Cinema Studies Department and another MA degree from the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of English. His research focuses on the intersection between religion and film, and specifically on contemporary Israeli cinema’s negotiations of Judaism and Judaic identity. 

    A section from his dissertation project, The Religious Turn: Reinventing the Israeli Screen (Supervisor: Prof. Lucy Fischer), was included in the 2011 anthology Israeli Cinema: Identities in Motion (University of Texas Press). He has also written essays forthcoming in Cinema Journal, Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies and Media and Translation from Continuum Press (article co-written with Dr. Alison Patterson). Presently he serves as a visiting lecturer at Tel Aviv University, The Open University of Israel and Sapir Academic College, and provides curatorial and organizational support to Another Look: The Restored European Film Project and the Pittsburgh Jewish Israeli Film Festival. 

    In addition to his scholarly activities, Dan is also an avid photographer and trained filmmaker, whose short subject fiction and experimental films have been screened in various venues worldwide, including the Zebra Poetry Film Festival (Berlin), Tirana International Film Festival, Brooklyn International Film Festival, ARTFilm Slovakia and Invideo Milan.