Oded Ezer

Oded Ezer

  •   Rhode Island School of Design
    Recent Works between Art and Type Design; Experimental Typographic Design; Contemporary Israeli Graphic Design; Being a Tel Aviv Designer​

    Dates in the U.S.: September 10th - November 8th, 2013

    Oded Ezer is a Tel Aviv-based graphic artist and typographer, best known for his typographic projects (such as Biotypography, Typosperma, Skype type, Typoplastic Surgeries and, more recently, for his series of typographic videos for the V&A museum and his design for the New American Haggadah) and for his ongoing contribution to Hebrew type design.

    Ezer studied graphic design at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and in 2010 went on to establish his own independent studio, Oded Ezer Typography, where he specializes in typographic and fonts design. In 2004 Oded founded HebrewTypography type foundry, selling his own typefaces to leading media companies and design studios.

    Ezer’s projects, posters and graphic works are showcased and published worldwide, and are part of permanent collections of eminent museums such as the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, NYC), Israel Museum of Art (Jerusalem), Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A, London), Museum für Gestaltung (Zürich) and Design Museum Holon (Tel-Aviv).