台北國際大屠殺紀念日活動Asher Yarden 演講中英全文

台北國際大屠殺紀念日活動 駐台以色列代表游亞旭Asher Yarden 演講中英全文










    Event for International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Taipei

    Mr. Asher Yarden’s Speech Transcript

    On January 27, 1945 the Red Army has liberated the Auschwitz concentration and death camp. But this did not put an end to the bloodshed of World War II, which took the lives of some 35 million people, most of them civilians. The war continued for another 3 months.

    10 days before Auschwitz was released, 58,000 prisoners were marched out of the camp, because the Nazis did not want them to fall alive to the liberating forces. Instead, they had to march in what had later been known as "death marches". Half of them died on the road. They left behind them ashes and remains of over 1.2 million human beings, 1 million and a hundred thousand Jews, more than half of them children. In this death camp - the largest death camp operated by the Nazis, for the longest period, in which the industrialization of the mass murder has reached a peak.

    What was the cause of this war - the most deadly in human history to date? The war was the result of two ideological reasons: one, to gain control over Europe, and through it, the entire world, and in doing so, to create a global racist hierarchy within which the Nordic peoples of the Arian race will dominate the rest. The second element of the Nazi ideology was Antisemitism. The Nazis saw in the Jews the Satan that dominated all of Germany's enemies. On the one edge was Hitler, the new savior, who leads the world, and on the opposite there were the Satanic Jews, trying to prevent in any possible way the implementation of of the Nazi utopia all across the world.

    The Nazi ideology was indeed the driving force behind the German yearning for war. There were also pragmatic considerations, but they were secondary. It wouldn't be exaggerated to say that World War II, the death of tens of millions of humans, the destruction of countries and their cultures and the torture and murder of children and adults alike have been caused in part because of the hatred towards the Jews. All those who hesitate today to take action against Antisemitic incitement anywhere it appears should ask these questions: Have you not learned the lesson? Don't you realize that Antisemitism is a lethal poison, which kills humans, including hose who spread it?

    Auschwitz has rightfully become the symbol of evil. For the Jewish people, this is the largest cemetery in the world - a cemetery without graves. But not only humans have been lost in the in the death camps; there was a real effort to exterminate the Jewish culture - a civilization and a tradition which is one of the foundations of the modern culture.

    There are two aspects of the Jewish Genocide - the Holocaust. One is the uniqueness of the Jewish nation's tragedy, which lost a third of its people. The second is the universal implications of this Genocide. As a matter of fact, these are both sides of the same coin. The Jews were the specific victims of the Genocide, but the significance is universal. No one can know who will the Jews be next time ...

    Here in East Asia, luckily enough, the Holocaust, unlike the war, is for many a remote chapter - geographically and chronologically. Yet, here in Taiwan I think it is worth mentioning several facts in this regard: first, that Taiwan was part of the struggle against evil, as it was personified by the Axis powers, when it joined the Allied forces on December 9, 1941. Taipei itself was the target of air raids.

    But the fact that is most to be mentioned is the personal contribution of a Taiwanese diplomat, who in his own actions saved the lives of more than 3,000 Jews during that dark period. Ho Feng-Shan, who served as consul general of China in Vienna, Austria. Ho Feng-Shan had started to issue visas for Shanghai to Jews in Nazi ruled Vienna, for pure humanitarian causes. He did that despite direct orders from his superiors not to do so. He did that knowing that he was putting his career, but more importantly, his life, as well as those of his family members at risk. He did that and granted a visa to every Jew who applied  These visas enabled Jews to leave Austria and survive.

    After the Nazis nationalized the consulate building, which was owned by a Jew, Consul General Ho rented another office with his own private money, and continued issuing the visas from there. Ho Feng-Shan did not stop until he was called back in May 1940. The exact number of Jews saved by Ho Feng-Shan is not clear; what is known, though, is that in the first six months of his role, he issued 2,000 visas, so it is fair to estimate the number of Jews he saved in the thousands.

    In the year 2001, four years after he passed away, Ho Feng-Shan was recognized by Yad Vashem - Israel's official organization for the commemoration of the Holocaust victims - as a "Righteous Among The Nations". The Jewish people, as well as the Israelis, are indeed grateful to President .​