

    📌 最新公告 根據新的ETA-IL / 旅行授權電子系統計劃,自2025年1月1日起,符合至以色列免簽國家之旅客,皆必須辦理旅行授權電子系統才能前往以色列,該電子系統適用計畫於以色列年度短期停留90天以內的旅客申請,申請者可在完成線上表格後,於數日內收到電子郵件核准。ETA-IL自核發之日起兩年內有效,其申請費用為以色列新謝克爾25元。即日起至2024年12月31日期試用期間,免收申請費用且不強制申請。更多詳細資訊請參閱以下網址:


    持具有6個月以上有效期之中華民國護照者適用短期90天商務(含考察、教育訓練、售後維修) 或觀光免簽入境以色列,,​須檢附旅平險(含醫療險)或是海外醫療險
    如有任何問題請以來信至: Consular2@Taipei.org.il或電洽02-2757-9692 Ext.506 ​


    9:00am – 14:00 pm
    Our office’s consular service hours will be adjusted to the follow.
    Mon | Wed | Fri
    9:00 am – 14:00 pm

    The consular services are required to book an appointment before applicant come to our office, please refer to the following procedure to acquire a consular appointment.

    申辦服 (VISA Services)


    Starting from Aug. 11, 2011, Citizens who holds the Taiwan passport with remark of Taiwan ID card numbers on their passport and with more than 6 month validity can travel to Israel without visas for 90 days, such offer are suitable both for short business visit or travel purpose.


    理簽證種 (The Visa categories that is required to apply for the VISA)

       Ø 學生簽 (Student Visa)



    Students are required to apply the Student Visa before study aboard in Israel. The Student Visa might take few weeks to process, for further information about Student Visa, please refer to the Visa & Consular section or click Here.


       Ø  志工簽證 欲前往以色列擔任志工者,需理相關所需的簽:

    1.  以色列內政部確認函(由志工單位向以色列內政部申請)
    2. ​邀請函(志工單位提供)
    3. 志工簽證申請表格
    4. 護照電子檔
    5. 來回機票
    6. 住宿地址(若租房須提供租賃契約)
    7. 志工期間行程規劃
    8. 志工期間醫療保險
    9. 財力證明文件


    Ø使非台灣護(Travel or Business Visa with Non-ROC Passport)


    光或務拜訪者 (如:培訓術資源與交流等)電本處簽證部洽

    For those people who holding Non-ROC passport, and need to apply travel or short business visa (Such as purpose of training, attend exhibition, technique support etc…), please consult with our office consular department for the qualification of Visa exemption


     文件認證服務 (Document Authenticate)



    For those people who would like to apply for document authenticate, please scan every pages of the document you like to authenticate to our office email (As listed below) and simply explain the purpose of why you need to authenticate this document, we will be contact (Please leave your contact numbers) your shortly after receiving your email










    In order to save your valuable time, please prepare all of necessary documents and contact our Consular Department for a consular appointment before you come to our office.

    Consular Department 

    02-27579692 Ext.506




       Ø Consular Emergency Contact : 0909-571-179

    This number is for emergency consular only, regular consular inquiries please refer to our office contact mentioned in above.​


    Office hour for visa apply and Pick up period: Mon | Wed | Fri  9:30am 12:30pm (except national holidays of Taiwanese and Jewish holidays)
    24F, No. 333, Sec.1, Keelung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan