



    請先聯繫本辦事處簽證處杜小姐 02-2757-9692 #520 Email cao-asst@taipei.org.il




     準備下述所有文件並掃描一份Email cao-asst@taipei.org.il, 為了避免文件掃描檔案太大,導致本辦事處郵件伺服器無法接收請務必將郵件分成數封分別寄送,並煩請替每一封郵件編上編號及註明檔案內容以利辨識。(假設您的Email共有三封,那就麻煩請替每封Email編上編號,如 : 1/3_申請人大名_學生簽證申請資料一、2/3_申請人大名_學生簽證申請資料二、3/3_申請人大名_學生簽證申請資料三…..以此類推)

    ²   入學許可 (務必清楚註明學生姓名、在學期間起訖日、學校戳章及單位負責人簽名,並以印有學校官方LOGO於信函上的學校官方信函書寫)
    ²   以色列簽證申請許可函 (如果您有該信函的話將加速整體申辦流程)
    ²   電子機票及航班資料 (包含來回程)
    ²   英文財力證明 (內含足夠支付學費與當地生活費之金額,帳戶餘額須能以美金表達)
    ²   獎學金證明函 (若您將獲得學校發給獎學金的話)
    ²   一年以上的有效護照
    ²   前次前往以色列的簽證頁面 (如您曾經到過以色列並且仍有保留其簽證頁面的話)
    ²   任何曾到過的其他阿拉伯國家簽證頁面 (如果您仍有保留其簽證頁面的話)
    ²   兩張5x4 公分的彩色照片 (無須掃描,請於簽證面試時攜帶至本處)
    ²   簽證申請書 (請至官方網站下載 http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/ConsularServices/Pages/Visas.aspx)
    ²   辦事處訪客申請表 (於您申請學生簽證前請,email或來電索取)
    3/7_申請人姓名_學生簽證_電子機票 (以此類推…….)



    當您寄送完成上述文件後,請務必聯繫本辦事處簽證處杜小姐 02-2757-9692 #520

    Email cao-asst@taipei.org.il 確認辦事處已收到您所有email及檔案





    另外,除了手機外請勿攜帶其他任何相關電子產品 (:筆電或平板電腦) ,更不要攜帶任何具有危險性或攻擊性的物品 (:小刀或爆裂物) 前來本辦事處。以上,再麻煩您留意。

    The process of apply student visa and require documents


    ​Step 1

    Contact our office consular clerk Ms. Tu at 02-2757-9692 #520 or cao-asst@taipei.org.il to consult and inform your visa application.


    Step 2


    Prepare and scan all of following documents to our office email : cao-asst@taipei.org.il, Consider the files might be too big to be received from our office, please kindly split the email into several mails and put the email topic according to following format as for our recognition (Assume that you have 3 mails to send, Ex : 1/3_Name of the applicants_Student Visa submitted file 1, 2/3_Name of the applicants_Student Visa submitted file 2, 3/3_Name of the applicants_Student Visa submitted file 3…and so on).
    ²   Acceptance Letter from the school (Must include Student NameDuration of the semester from date to dateSchool Stamp & Signature and written on school official letter sheet with school official logo on the letter head)
    ²   Visa Permission Letter from Israel (It will accelerate the whole verified process if you have this letter)
    ²   Electronic flight ticket and flight itinerary (Include round trip)
    ²   Financial Statement from the local bank in ENGLISH
    ²   Scholarship offer letter from school (If you have granted any scholarship from the school)
    ²   Passport with 1 year validity
    ²   Scan copy of your student ID or ACR card or Employee certificate from the working unit in Taiwan (If you are not a citizen of Taiwan)
    ²   The scan of entry Taiwan Visa page (If you have still kept the visa page)
    ²   The scan of Israel Visa page previously (If you had been to Israel before and have still kept the visa page)
    ²   The scan of visa page from any other Arabic country previously (If you had been to any other Arabic countries before and have still kept the visa page)
    ²   2 pieces of 5x4 cm ID photo (No need to scan, only bring to the office on the site of consular appointment)
    ²   Visa Application (Please download in our website as http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/ConsularServices/Pages/Visas.aspx)
    ²  Counselor appointment form for Visitor (Please require by phone or email before you sending out all of the require documents)
    Before you send the document, please rotate each document into proper direction, And please name all of require files in following format, or else it will takes more time to process your application.
    Ex : 1/6_Your Name_Student Visa_Acceptance Letter
           2/6_Your Name_Student Visa_E-Ticket
           3/6_Your Name_Student Visa_Passport    And so on……


    Step 3

    After you sent out all of scan documents, Please contact our office with Ms. Tu at 02-2757-9692 #520 or cao-asst@taipei.org.il to confirm if our office has received all of your emails and materials.


    Step 4

    It shall take around 1-2 weeks to review the documents after our office receiving all of the materials, and the consular appointment will be made with the applicant once we verified all of the papers, please note that the appointment is proximately to be arranged 1-2 weeks before applicant departure or the school semester begin judge upon by different cases.


    Step 5

    When you come to the appointment, please bring all of the original documents to our office that we have requested mentioned in above, you may bring the copy version only if you don’t have the originals, and please bring exactly amount for VISA application fee of NT$1,472 in case our office do not have enough exchanges.

    As all of the visitors are going to go through security check before coming to our office, please do not carry too much extra belongings to our office and do only bring the necessary belongs in a hand bag instead of the back pack.
    Lastly, except the cellphone, please do not bring any electronic devices (such like : laptop or iPad or mp3) to our office, and do not bring any attractive (such like knife) items or dangerous stuff (such like explosive item) to our office.
    Good luck to all and thanks for your attention.



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