Working Holiday Agreement
    我很高興昨天簽署了以色列和台灣之間的打工度假計畫協定。 該協定將使雙方的年輕人有機會結合旅行和工作,深入探索和體驗以色列和台灣這兩個令人驚嘆的地方。

    我希望該協定有助於擴大雙邊旅遊、貿易、學術、文化和科學關係。 在今年我們慶祝在台北和台拉維夫互設辦事處 30 週年之際,這項意義非凡的協定傳遞出我們迄今為止積累的成就和對未來的堅定承諾。 感謝外交部賀忠義司長的合作,促成了協議的達成。

    It was a great pleasure for me to sign yesterday the Working Holiday agreement between Israel and Taiwan. The agreement will give young people on both sides the opportunity to thoroughly explore and experience both amazing places – Israel and Taiwan through combining traveling and working.

    I expect the agreement to contribute to further expand our bilateral tourism, trade, academic, cultural and scientific relations. As we celebrate this year the 30th anniversary of opening our respective offices in Taipei and in Tel Aviv, this agreement is a wonderful way to express our accumulated achievements so far and strong commitment for the future. I thank Director-General HO Chung-Yi of MOFA for the collaboration in reaching the agreement.