2023photo exhibition

歡慶以台30週年友誼, 以色列舉辦攝影展

    柯思畢代表特別致贈入選攝影者獎狀, 並在致詞時表示:「回顧過去雙邊努力從相互了解到合作的交流成就,我們非常滿意與自豪。我沒有足夠篇幅和時間述說每一項成果,但有一項我可以說的是— 下一個三十年也是會一樣成功!」


    ISECO held the ceremony on the 9th to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Israel- Taiwan friendship, which is part of the photo exhibition exhibition “Meet Israel Through Taiwanese Eyes” at 1F of National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

    The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tien Chung-Kwang, and the Israeli Representative to Taiwan, Omer Caspi, participated in the event to give remarks.

    Representative Caspi also awarded a certificate of appreciation to the photographers and said: “We can definitely look back with great satisfaction and pride on the achievements both sides were able to achieve through hard work, mutual understanding and ongoing collaboration. Naturally, there is not enough time or space to cover all accomplishments, but one thing I can say – the next 30 years will be no less successful !”.

    The exhibition is open from Jan.11 to March 12.