2021金馬影展聚焦以色列 九部電影不容錯過

2021金馬影展聚焦以色列 九部電影不容錯過

    2021金馬影展聚焦以色列 九部電影不容錯過
    2021金馬國際影展將在11月11日至28日展開。今年將有來自3位以色列知名導演,共九部影展強片。「焦點導演」推出兩位炙手可熱的以色列導演那達夫拉匹 (Nadav Lapid)與艾朗柯里林 (Eran Kolirin)。他們的作品皆在以色列和全球獲獎無數。兩位導演將分別在11月20日和11月21日參加視訊講堂,與台灣觀眾視訊交流。另外「酷兒新世界」單元將放映導演亞當卡爾德隆(Adam Kalderon)的《泳漾水男孩》
    那達夫拉匹 (Nadav Lapid):
    艾朗柯里林 (Eran Kolirin):
    TGHFF highlight Israeli directors, featuring Nine films in Taipei
    2021 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival ( TGHFF) will be held in Taipei from November 11th to November 28th. This year, Nine Israeli films from three Israeli directors are selected in the festival. The “Filmmaker in Focus” highlight two sought-after Israeli directors, Nadav Lapid and Eran Kolirin, whose films have won several awards in Israel and across the globe. The two directors will also have online Q&A sessions on Nov.20th and 21th. In addition, Adam Kalderon’s “The Swimmer” has chosen in the section of “L.G.B.T.Q.”, that will be screened in Asia for the first time.
    Films from Nadav Lapid
    “ Ahed’s Knee”  (Q&A session)
    “The Kindergarten Teacher”
    Films from Eran Kolirin
    “Let it Be Morning” (Q&A session)
    “Beyond the Mountains and Hills”
    “The Exchange”
    “The Band’s Visit”
    Please check the festival’s website for screening times and locations