20200127 Never forget the lesson of Holocasut

記取納粹大屠殺教訓 使年輕一代勿忘歷史

  •    紀念「奧斯威辛集中營」獲解放75周年
    ​每年成千上萬的以色列人到奧斯威辛集中營和其他納粹集中營參觀, 並向大屠殺中喪生的數百萬猶太人致敬。

    其中有許多是年輕的以色列人,他們當中有很多人的的家庭成員, 在大屠殺中喪生, 或從灰燼中幸存下來, 重建他們在以色列的生活.

    很多高中生來到以色列,更加了解和認同猶太身份, 其中許多人表示, 他們對以色列作為猶太家園,表達深深感謝.

    隨著大屠殺倖存者人數減少, 現在比以往任何時候都更重要的是, 年輕一代記住對大屠殺的歷史記憶,緬懷罹難者 並確保世界永遠不會忘記這種不可測的暴行

    Each year thousands of young Israelis visit the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, as well as other Nazi concentration camps and pay tribute to the millions of Jews killed in the Holocaust . Many of these young Israelis have family members who either perished in the Holocaust or survived it to rise from the ashes, rebuilding their lives in Israel.

    The high-school students return to Israel with a deeper understanding of their Jewish identity, many of them expressing that they gained an even more profound appreciation for Israel as their Jewish homeland.

    As the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles, it is now more important than ever that the younger generation keeps the memory of the Holocaust alive and ensures that the world never forgets this unfathomable atrocity.