

    代表柯思畢(Omer Caspi)和他的家人蒞臨 基督教台南聖教會 ,留下非常感動的回憶。 在以色列傳統歌曲“ Shalom Aleichem” 音樂下,教會的舞蹈團在現場生動的演出,還有合唱團與來賓和數百名教友一起在樂隊演奏中演唱了以色列國歌“ Hatikvah”。
    The representative of Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei, Omer Caspi, and his family enjoyed a very emotional visit at the Holiness church in Tainan. A dancing group presented a lively choreography to the traditional Israeli song "Shalom Aleichem", the church choir sang the hymn of Israel "Hatikvah" with a full orchestra play, together with the guests and hundreds of the church members. The representative and his family were amazed by this warm welcome and magnificent performance and concluded their visit in a mutual prayer with the members of the Holiness church