20200224the announcement of entrying Israel

避免新冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的感染風險  以色列即日起限制外國旅客入境

    Foreign Nationals Barred from Entering Israel Effective Immediately
    (Communicated by the Population and Migration Authority)
    Pursuant to recommendations from the Ministry of Health, as of today (Wednesday, 18 March 2020), entry into Israel by foreign nationals will not be permitted, even if they have proven the ability to stay in quarantine.
    Following two weeks of restricting entry to travelers who are neither citizens nor residents of the State of Israel, the Ministry of Health has recommended stricter entry prevention measures in order to halt the spread of the Coronavirus.
    In light of the foregoing and pursuant to the recommendations from the Ministry of Health, it has been decided that, effective today, foreign nationals who are neither citizens nor residents of Israel will not be permitted to enter the State of Israel.
    Exceptions will be made for those whose lives are based in Israel.
    This directive will take effect immediately upon publication and will apply to all international crossings.