
游瑪雅 代表  Representative  Maya Yaron






    2023~ 駐台北以色列經濟文化辦事處代表

    2021~2023 外交部亞太司 東北亞部主任

    2020~2021 評估對外投資的國家安全問題顧問委員會委員

    2015-2019 贊、裁軍談判會議暨以色列常駐聯合國和其他在日內瓦國際組織的會議代表

    2013-2015總理辦公室以色列-中國經濟工作組 (CIETF) 副主任

    2010-2013 以色列駐中國大使館政治經濟部一等秘書,北京

    2007-2010 以色列駐塞內加爾達喀爾大使館副處長



    2004-2006 特拉維夫大學外交碩士

    2000-2003 希伯來大學國際關係學士

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     A woman; A mother; A spouse.

    Traveler. Student of compassionate communication. Believer in healthy work-life balance._

    2023 - Head, Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei

    2021-2023 Director, Department of North East Asia, Asia and the Pacific
    Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem

    2020-2021 Representative, Advisory Board for Evaluating National
    Security Aspects of Foreign Investments, Jerusalem

    2015-2019 Counsellor, Representative to the Conference on
    Disarmament, Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations and other International
    Organizations in Geneva

    2013-2015 Deputy Director, The Prime Minister's Office Israel-China Economic Task Force
    (CIETF), Jerusalem

    2010-2013 First Secretary, Political-Economic Department, Embassy of Israel to China, Beijing

    2007-2010 Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Israel in Dakar, Senegal

    2004-2006 MA in Diplomacy, Tel Aviv University

    2000-2003 BA in International Relations, Hebrew University


    Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei was established in 1993 which strengthens the friendly relations between Israel and Taiwan.  In recent years, municipal-level exchanges between Israel and Taiwan countries has significantly increased.  In February of 2019, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) set trade center in Tel Aviv.  High-level government officers and mayors have visited each other frequently.
    2019 was a great year for the relations between Israel and Taiwan, especially in the fields of trade and tourism. The total bilateral trade (goods) in 2019 increased to 1.65 billion US dollars, of which Israel's export to Taiwan exceeded 670 million US dollars, an increase of 25% comparing to 2018.  In addition, we have seen an ever-growing number of visitors from both sides. The total number of tourists in 2019 reached 27,930, a 20% increase over 2018.
    Israel is a global hub in fields of R&D, cyber security, water technologies and much more. And Taiwan plays a leading role of manufacturing, especially electronics.  Both countries have strong human resource and can complement each other very well.