Local notary services

Local notary services

    ​1. General

    The notarizations provided by the mission:



    2. What to do:

    • Each of the procedures mentioned above requires the personal attendance of the participant. 
    • The participants must bring their identification (preferably, a passport).
    • The participants are asked to fill in in advance the details in their documents but not to sign them.​ ​The signature will be taken in front of our represantatives.
    • The fee for each verified document is 14 Euros. Fee for each copy of a document is 7 Euros. Payment is only by debit card or cash.

    3. Important
    • ​The role of the Consulate is to verify the identity of the person signing the document. Therefore, the Consulate is not responsible for the content of the document, it's purpose and it's subtelties. The participants are required to fully understand how the document works, where they need to sign and what they are signing on.
    • The person who signs the document must be able to fluently read the language of the document. Otherwise- the consulate will not verify the signature. For further information in case the language is written in a language the recipient cannot read, please call us.