Consular services
  • On this page you will find information about passports, visa and other consular matters. If you have further questions or want to make an appointment, please or call us via +31-70-3760500​

    The consular department can be visited on Monday to Friday ​from 10:00 to 13:00 hrs.Please note that an appointment is mandatory! People without an appointment can unfortunately not be admitted.​

Consular services

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    Quick answers to important questions: MFA website

    1. Registration forms

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    The Israel Nationality Law of 1952 establishes that the acquisition of an Israeli citizenship is possible only under the following clauses:

    1. Return (cl. 2)
    2. Residence (cl. 3)
    3. Birth (cl. 4)
    4. Birth and Residence (cl. 4a)
    5. Naturalization (cls. 5-8)
    6. Grant (cl. 9)

    Israeli citizenship is granted to those fulfilling one of the first three conditions above.

    Those fulfilling one of the last three conditions above are obliged to submit a request and meet the criteria for eligibility.  

    Israeli citizens staying abroad for a period of over 45 days must register with the Israeli mission in whose area of responsibility they are staying (click here to download the form Registration of an Israeli National Abroad).

    Israeli citizens staying abroad for more than a year must register with the Israeli mission once a year (see the instructions regarding the obligation to register on the inside back cover of the passport).

    Fill out the form and send it by fax or email to the Consular Department at the Embassy of Israel in The Hague, the Netherlands.



    2. Travel documents

    1. General information

    All Israeli citizens staying abroad, both minors and adults, must carry a valid Israeli travel document with them at all times. The travel documents issued by the State of Israel to its citizens (passports and laissez passer) are the property of the State and should be carefully safeguarded.

    Note that Israeli citizens are required by law always to enter and exit Israel with an Israeli travel document.

    An Israeli passport issued to an adult is valid for 10 years, and for 5 years for a minor. For adults - if 10 years have passed since the passport was issued, please contact the mission to obtain a new passport. If less than 10 years have elapsed since the passport was issued, it can be extended up to the full 10 years. 


    2. Extending a passport


    To extend the validity of a passport, please fill out the relevant form, attach it to the passport and send it to the Consular Department at the mission (click here to download the Application to Extend a Passport). No fee is required for this renewal.


    A minor’s passport can be extended for five years, up to the age of 17. After his military status is determined, the minor's passport can be extended pursuant to approval of the IDF authorities (for additional details, see below in the sections on ren​ewal and the IDF authorities).

    With regard to the manner of extending a minor's passport, please call the Consular Department at the mission.


    3. Renewing an expired passport


    To renew a passport, you must bring to the mission (or send by mail - see the section on General Information) the following:

    Application for a New Passport, filled out and signed (click here to download the Application for a New Passport)
    Two passport pictures
    The old passport
    The required fee (click here to open the table of fees​).


    Please call the Consular Department at the mission to obtain information on the conditions for issuing travel documents to a minor.


    4. Renewing the travel document in the event of loss / theft / destruction

    In the event of the loss / theft / destruction of a travel document, you must visit the mission in order to obtain a replacement. Please be sure to bring the following:

    Two passport pictures
    A picture ID (identity card or Israeli driver's license)
    A completed declaration form about the loss / theft / destruction of a passport or laissez passer (click here to download the form Declaration of the Loss / Theft / Destruction of a Passport or Laissez Passer). The form must be signed before the diplomatic / consular representative.
    An application for a new passport, filled out and signed (click here to download the Application for a New Passport).
    The Israeli passport is the property of the State. The loss / theft / destruction of the passport requires the payment of a higher fee (click here to open the table of fees​).



    3. Population Registry

    Section 11 of the Registration of Population Law states that "A resident to whom a child is born abroad must notify the registration clerk of his child's registration details, within 30 days."

    1. Procedure for submitting "notification of the birth of an Israeli citizen abroad"

    In order to register a child who was born abroad to Israeli citizens, one of the Israeli parents must appear in person before the diplomatic / consular representative at the mission and implement the registration process, during which the following will be required:

    Filling out and signing the form Notification of the Birth of an Israeli Citizen Abroad (click here to download the form Notification of the Birth of an Israeli Citizen Abroad)
    The original birth certificate, verified with an apostille stamp in countries that are signatories to the 1961 Hague Convention, or presentation of a certificate verified by the relevant authority in that country
    Photocopies of the parents' passports
    If the parents are married and there is no record to that effect in the Population Registry of the State of Israel, their verified marriage certificate must be presented (click here to download the form Notification of Change in Marital Status).

    2. Issuing a passport for a minor who was just registered

    In order to issue a passport for a minor, one of the Israeli parents must appear in person with the child before the diplomatic / consular representative at the mission. The process of issuing a passport for a minor is as follows:
    Fill out an application for a passport (click here to download the Application for a New Passport)
    Provide two passport pictures
    Comment: In the event that the mother is not an Israeli citizen, and the parents of the child are not married or the child was born less than 10 months after their marriage, the Israeli father must contact the mission for further instruction before appearing to register the child.

    The Israeli missions abroad provide Israeli citizens and/or Israeli residents staying abroad with some of the services required by the provisions of the Population Registration Law, 5725 - 1965,  and The Names Law, 5716 -1956.

    1. Applications to receive a registration extract / birth certificate / death certificate / record of entries and exits

    To receive one of the above certificates, an application must be filled out to obtain documentation from the Population Registry (click here to download the Application to Obtain Documentation from the Population Registry). The service is free of charge unless an apostille is required (click here to open the table of fees).

    If it is necessary to obtain a birth certificate translated into English, an application must be submitted in advance.

    Inquiries should be made with the Consular Department at the mission after four to six weeks as to whether the certificate has arrived.


    2. Certificate Attesting to Israeli Citizenship or Non-Citizenship

    Under Section 15 of the Citizenship Law, 5712 -1952 (Consolidated Version), an Israeli citizen is entitled to receive a certificate from the Minister of the Interior attesting to his Israeli citizenship. The certificate can be obtained in Hebrew and English, as well as the date on which citizenship was conferred. Those interested in the latter must note that separately.

    Sometimes local authorities require certification of Israel citizenship by those who apply to them and do not suffice with a valid Israeli passport. For the purpose of obtaining a Certificate Attesting to Israeli Citizenship or Non-Citizenship directly from the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, an application must be filled out (click here to download the application for a Certificate Attesting to Israeli Citizenship) and sent by mail to the mission, along with a photocopy of the identity card and of the passport of the applicant. The fee must be submitted with the application (click here to open the table of fees​).

    Important: All fields must be filled out on the form. A line must be drawn through fields that are not relevant in order to show that they are not relevant and that is why they were not filled in.

    The certificate is usually received within eight to twelve weeks.


    3. Application to locate an address

    A person who wishes to locate the address of another person registered in Israel, or who wishes to ascertain the precise name of a person registered in Israel, should submit two copies of the form Application to Receive Information from the Population Registry (click here to download the Application to Receive Information from the Population Registry).

    A fee is charged for this service (click here to open the table of fees​).


    4. Request for Information on a Traveler

    In order to receive information on a traveler please fill out the form "Request for Information on a Traveler" (click here to download) and submit it signed to the mission's consular department. The request will be forwarded to the relevant authority in Israel.


    4. Citizenship 

    The process of renouncing Israeli citizenship is intended for an Israeli citizen living abroad who wishes to renounce his Israeli citizenship for any reason whatsoever. This is implemented by giving a declaration of the desire to renounce the citizenship, along with relevant documents and an application to the Ministry of the Interior for its authorization.
    It is important to note that the decision to authorize a renunciation of citizenship is made at the sole discretion of the Minister of the Interior or anyone appointed by him, and as long as such authorization is not given, the person who made the declaration is still an Israeli citizen. It should be noted that there have been cases in which the minister saw fit, for various reasons, not to authorize a renunciation of citizenship.
    A person who wishes to submit an application to renounce Israeli citizenship must report in person to the Consular Department at the mission and implement the following:

    Notify the Population Registry on his personal status up to that point in time
    Establish his military status
    For an adult - An adult must fill out the form Declaration of Renunciation of Israeli Citizenship for an Adult (click here to download the form Declaration of Renunciation of Israeli Citizenship for an Adult)
    For a minor - A form must be filled out for a minor Declaration of Renunciation of Israeli Citizenship for a Minor (click here to download the form Declaration of Renunciation of Israeli Citizenship for a Minor)
    Present authorization of other citizenship or an official letter from the local government promising that local citizenship will be granted (the letter must be valid for at least two years and written in English or translated into Hebrew)
    Pay the fee (click here to open the table of fees​)
    Please note:
    It is very important to fill out all sections of the form, otherwise the Ministry of the Interior will not handle the application.
    The process of renouncing citizenship cannot be implemented by mail. The presence of the applicant is mandatory!
    In the declaration section at the bottom of the form - Declaration of Renunciation of Israeli Citizenship - the signatory undertakes, before any use of his Israeli passport, to check with the mission whether his Israeli citizenship has been cancelled.


    5. Israel Defense forces

    1. The Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), 5747 - 1986 and the Authority to Implement it Abroad

    The Defense Service Law (Consolidated Version), 5747 - 1986 and the authority to implement it abroad applies to all citizens of the State of Israel both in Israel and abroad, even if they have another citizenship, and even if they live permanently abroad. It also applies to permanent residents of Israel, even if they are not Israeli citizens. The obligation of compulsory service applies to every man who is fit to serve, between the ages of 18 and 29, inclusive. However, a person who is past the age of the obligation of compulsory service and did not fulfill his obligation at the time specified in the law, is deemed to be in violation of the law and will be required to serve in the IDF as decided by the IDF authorities.

    2. Registering and establishing military status with the diplomatic / consular representative

    Every citizen / permanent resident of the State of Israel, upon reaching the age of 16, even if he is living or staying abroad for any reason, is obligated by the Defense Service Law to establish his status with the Israel Defense Forces authorities. A person who is designated for defense service, who is called to report under a general call up order, must report in Israel at the place and at the time specified in the order. However, if he is located abroad, he can report to the diplomatic / consular representative at the mission for the purpose of registration. At the time of his registration, he may submit a request to defer the time of reporting to the defense service.

    Registration is implemented by filling out the form Registration and Personal Application of a Person Designated for Defense Service Who is Staying Abroad (click here to download the form Registration and Personal Application of a Person Designated for Defense Service Who is Staying Abroad).

    If the person designated for defense service wishes to defer his service, he must fill out the form Application to Defer Defense Service - Israeli Citizens Staying Abroad (click here to download the form Application to Defer Defense Service).

    The following must be attached to these forms:

    • An official letter from the school in which the person designated for defense service is studying, noting the number of years he has been a student there and the number of years remaining until completion of his studies
    • Photocopies of his parents' passports
    • Certification stating that the center of the child's life with his parents is in that country.

    Additional details (in Hebrew) can be obtained on the Israel Defense Forces website.

    3. Deferring service and restrictions on visit to Israel

    If a decision is made to defer the service of a person designated for defense service, while he is staying abroad with his parents, the diplomatic / consular representative will explain to him the conditions and restrictions applying to him in everything pertaining to the time frames of his visit to Israel.


    6. Police

    The Israeli missions abroad provide Israeli citizens and/or Israeli residents staying abroad with some of the services required by the provisions of The Crime Register and Rehabilitation of Offenders Law, 5741 -1981.

    Application for a certificate about criminal information

    A person who stayed in Israel for a period of time and is required by the government of another country or a foreign institution to provide certification of the lack of a criminal record / pending criminal case (certificate about criminal information), may submit an application to the Israel Police through the Israeli mission. Under the law, the certificate is not given to the applicant but rather transferred to the official entity that requested it. The certificate is issued by the Israel Police.
    The applicant should arrive to the Israeli mission in person and present to the consular section the following documents:
    The application for a certificate about criminal information(click here to download the application for a Certificate Attesting to the Absence of a Criminal Record), filled out and signed
    A photocopy of the applicant's passport
    Full details of the authority requesting the certification, and the name of a contact person
    The fee if an apostille stamp is required (click here to open the table of fees)
    The certificates will arrive at the mission between four and eight weeks after submission of the application and will be sent by registered mail directly to the institution that requested it. After four weeks, inquiries can be made by telephone to the Consular Department at the mission regarding the status of the certificate.
    If it is necessary to translate the certificate into the local language, see the list of translators in the chapter on General Information.


    7. Visas

    • Information contained in this website is general and does not supersede the provisions of the laws of the State of Israel.

    • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reserves the right to modify the procedures from time to time.

    • In any case of a discrepancy, the provisions of Israeli law and/or local law and/or procedures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs take precedence over the information appearing in this website.

    The Minister of the Interior of the State of Israel is in charge of implementing the laws of the State which specify the conditions for entering Israel (the Law of Return, 5710 - 1950, and the Entry into Israel Law, 5712 - 1952). The power to implement these laws abroad was delegated to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Official Announcements Gazette 255 of October 16, 1952) and to Israel's representatives abroad (Official Announcements Gazette 2465 of October 7, 1978).

    Israel has visa exemption agreements with many countries - for visits of up to 90 days. Before going to the mission, check whether you need to obtain a visa to visit Israel (click here to download the list of countries with which Israel has visa exemption agreements). It is important to emphasize that the exemption applies only to visas for visits and to passports (not to laissez passer).

    Please note that the grant of a visa by the State of Israel to a person bearing a foreign passport (national or official), does not necessarily imply recognition of the authority or entity that issued such passport.

    Note that documents must always be sent to Israeli missions viaregistered mail. Payment by bank draft is acceptable; payment by personal check is not.

    Below are the types of visas and the application process for obtaining them:

    • Immigration visa
    • A/1 Temporary Resident visa
    • A/2 Student visa
    • A/3 Clergy visa
    • A/4 visa for spouses and children
    • B/1 Work visa
    • B/2 Visitor's visa


    1. Immigration visa

    The Law of Return, 5710 - 1950 determines the right of every Jew to immigrate to the State of Israel. The law is an expression of the connection between the Jewish people and their homeland. Jews returning to Israel are considered people who were away - or whose ancestors were away - from Israel, and are now returning to their country. With regard to the law, "A Jew is a person born to a Jewish mother, or who is a convert to Judaism, and is not a member of another religion."

    According to an arrangement between the government of Israel and the Jewish Agency, the latter handles immigration (aliya) to Israel: checking candidates, providing advice and guidance, seeing to absorption arrangements, referrals to immigrant centers, places of study, employment, etc. An aliya emissary of the Jewish Agency who recommends a person's immigration, transfers the application together with his written recommendation to an official representative of the State of Israel.

    According to the law, the authority to issue the immigration visa lies solely with the diplomatic / consular representative. Therefore, this representative examines the application and the recommendation of the aliya representative. The diplomatic / consular representative may request additional details, both from the applicant and from the immigration representative. In cases of doubt, the diplomatic / consular representative may transfer the application to the consular section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a decision.

    Those interested in commencing the process of immigrating to Israel should contact the aliya representative of the Jewish Agency who is responsible for the area in which they reside. To obtain information on how to contact an aliya representative, please see the chapter on General Information.


    2. A/1 Temporary Resident visa

    - for people eligible for immigration under the Law of Return

    An A/1 Temporary Resident visa is given to a person who is eligible for immigration (aliya) and has completed the examination process with the aliya representative of the Jewish Agency, and whose application has been examined and approved by the diplomatic / consular representative at an Israeli mission.


    3. A/2 Student visa

    This visa is granted to those who want to study in Israel in elementary and high schools, academic institutions, yeshivot and youth institutions of the Jewish Agency. The visa is valid for up to one year and for multiple entrances and exits. Recipients of this visa are not permitted to work in Israel.

    Please note: A minor will not be given a visa without the written consent of both parents or his legal guardian.

    The visa is granted to students who provide the following:

    • Completed and signed application for a visa to enter Israel (click here to download the Application for a Visa to Enter Israel)
    • Two passport pictures
    • Certification of acceptance for study at a recognized educational institution in Israel
    • Proof that the student has the financial means to pay for his studies and sustenance throughout his stay in Israel
    • A travel document that is valid for at least one year, provided that his country has a diplomatic mission in the State of Israel. If there is no such mission in Israel, the passport must be valid for the entire period of studies and another six months beyond that time
    • Payment of the fee (click here to open the table of fees​).

    4. A/3 Clergy visa

    This visa is granted to clergymen for the purpose of fulfilling their clerical duties among their religious communities in Israel, pursuant to the invitation of a recognized religious institution in Israel. A clergyman who goes to Israel for a visit and requires an entry visa will receive the regular B/2 visa.

    Only the Ministry of the Interior has the authority to grant an A/3 visa. The application should be submitted in Israel by the religious institution that is inviting the clergyman. The mission will only issue the visa with the prior approval of the Ministry of the Interior. The validity of the visa will be in accordance with Ministry of Interior guidelines, with the option of renewal only in Israel.

    If the visa is approved by the Ministry of the Interior, the visa will be issued by the mission upon provision of the following:


    5. A/4 visa

    - for the spouses and children of recipients of A/2 or A/3 visas

    This visa is granted to the spouses and minor children of  recipients of A/2 or A/3 visas.

    The visa will be issued under the following conditions:


    6. B/1 Work visa

    This visa is for a person whose stay in Israel is approved for a limited period of time for the purpose of work. This visa is given to experts and artists, among others, and is granted solely with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior.

    The fee is paid by the applicant when the application is submitted to one of the population administration offices of the Ministry of the Interior. Upon receipt of approval from the Ministry of the Interior, the mission will issue the B/1 Work visa after interviewing the applicant and obtaining from him the following documents:

    • A verified certificate of good conduct
    • Certification of medical examinations performed in clinics or hospitals recognized by the mission (the certification must cover, inter alia, normal results in tests for tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS) and the results of blood tests.
    • A declaration of the taking of a fingerprint (the State of Israel has begun to take a fingerprint from foreign workers who enter the country to work) and a photograph.
    • A completed application for a visa (click here to download the Application for a Visa to Enter Israel)
    • Two passport pictures

    The validity of the B/1 Work visa will be in accordance with Ministry of Interior guidelines. The worker must enter Israel within the period of time specified in the visa and stay in the country as specified in the visa. A person who receives such a visa may apply to one of the population administration offices of the Ministry of the Interior to extend the visa.


    7. B/2 Visitor's visa

    A B/2 visa is granted to someone who wishes to stay in Israel for only a short time (for a visit, tourism, a business meeting or study in a Hebrew ulpan). A person who enters Israel on a B/2 visa is not allowed to work in the State of Israel.

    A B/2 visa is valid for up to three months from the date of issue. The duration of the stay in Israel will be determined by the Border Police. A visitor who wishes to extend his visit may submit an application at one of the regional population administration offices of the Ministry of the Interior.

    The process to be handled at the mission:

    Please note:

    1. The consul may request additional documents.
    2. Since the fee is collected for handling the application, it will not be refunded to the applicant if the visa is not issued for any reason.

    8. Issuing of visas for participants in national projects like Birthright and MASA

    For participants in Israeli national projects like Taglit-Birthright Israel or MASA, or in other projects initiated and organized by the Jewish Agency, a visa will be issued according to the project's purpose and duration.

    B/2 visitor visa, for three months, will be issued for participants in project lasting less than three months.

    A/2 student visa, multiple entries, for the duration of the project and up to one year, will be issued for participants for projects lasting more than three months.

    The above mentioned participants are exempted from paying a visa fee.
