Press Room - Embassy of Israel to the United States
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  • Press Room

    President Rivlin meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin

    ​Dur​ing the meeting President Rivlin and Foreign Minister Klimkin discussed the importance of strengthening ties between Israel and Ukraine and joint economic opportunities for both countries.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    We send condolences to Egypt on the vicious mass murder of civilians during prayer. Radical Islam's terror does not distinguish between religions, people or nations. All the countries in the world should unite in order to fight it, everywhere.
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    PMO Statement on terrorist attack in Egypt

    Terrorism will be defeated even more quickly if all countries work against it together.
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    PM Netanyahu meets Ecuadorian FM Maria Fernanda Espinosa

    During the meeting they discussed further cooperation between Israel and Ecuador in the fields of technology, agriculture, and water.
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    President Rivlin marks 40 years since visit of President Sadat with Egyptian Ambassador Khairat

    President Rivlin: Our connection is more important than words can say, and can never be taken for granted. We have found a way to live together in peace and friendship. This is a message to the whole region, and the whole world.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with AIPAC leadership

    PM Netanyahu and AIPAC leaders discussed the challenges and opportunities facing Israel and the US in light of recent developments in the Middle East.
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    PM Netanyahu’s speech at the Knesset plenum marking the 40th anniversary of Egyptian President Sadat's visit to the Knesset

    Sadly, I have yet to encounter a "Palestinian Sadat" that will declare his will to end the conflict, recognize the state of Israel with any borders, and support our right to live in peace and security.
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    PM Netanyahu meets with U.S. Senator Kamala Harris

    The two discussed the challenges and opportunities in the region and the potential for deepening cooperation in water management, agriculture, cyber security and more.
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    Prime Minister Netanyahu talks with French President Macron

    PM Netanyahu and President Macron discussed the crisis in Lebanon, the nuclear deal with Iran, and Iran's establishment attempts in Syria.
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    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    Today we mark 40 years since the historic visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Jerusalem and Israel. President Sadat took a bold step, he came to the Knesset; he came to Israel. He was welcomed by the entire nation.
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    President Rivlin meets leaders of the Hispanic community in Los Angeles

    President Rivlin: Our two communities face the challenge of preserving our cultural identity, together with being a part of the society around us. We do this through community values, and through education.
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    Israel offers aid to Iraq-Iran eathquake victims

    Why did Israel offer medical aid to victims of the earthquake on the Iran-Iraq border? For one reason.
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    Israel's National Security Council hosts American National Security Council delegation

    This week the Israeli NSC hosted an American interagency delegation led by US NSC staff. Israeli and US officials discussed high priority security matters including developments in Syria and preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
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    President Rivlin addresses JFNA General Assembly in Los Angeles

    President Rivlin: “The State of Israel was, and will always be, the home of every Jew; Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, secular, traditional, Ashkenazi, Sephardi. Jews. We are all one people, and Israel is dear to all of us.”
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    UN Joint Investigative Mechanism report

    The international community must act decisively to investigate every instance of the use of chemical weapons and to bring those responsible to justice.
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