PM Netanyahu meets with Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Espinosa

PM Netanyahu meets Ecuadorian FM Maria Fernanda Espinosa

    During the meeting they discussed further cooperation between Israel and Ecuador in the fields of technology, agriculture, and water.
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    PM Netanyahu with Ecuadorian FM Espinosa PM Netanyahu with Ecuadorian FM Espinosa Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's media advisor) 

    Earlier today (Tuesday, November 22, 2017) Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Maria Fernada Espinosa. 
    During the meeting they discussed further cooperation between Israel and Ecuador in the fields of technology, agriculture, water, and more. FM Espinosa expressed deep appreciation for the aid that Israel sent to Ecuador in the wake of a devestating earthquake that struck Ecuador in 2016. Israel was one of the first countries to send aid to Ecaudor. PM Netanyahu noted that Israel's efforts to provide humanitarian aid and assistance to countries affected by natural disasters and emergencies represents the real Israel. 
    Throughout the meeting, PM Netanyahu summarized threats in the region, including the Iranian threat and presented Israel's requirements for achieving a true peace with the Palestinians. 
    At the start of the meeting Israel and Ecuador signed an agreement that ensures the paid employment of family members of officers of the diplomatic delegation or consulate. Israel's Depuity Foreign Minister Tzippy Hotovely signed the agreement on Israel's behalf and FM Espinosa signed on Ecuador's behalf.
    The meeting was attended by Israel's Minister of Communications Ayoob Kara and Israel's Deputy Minister Michael Oren.