President Rivlin meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin

President Rivlin meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin

    ​Dur​ing the meeting President Rivlin and Foreign Minister Klimkin discussed the importance of strengthening ties between Israel and Ukraine and joint economic opportunities for both countries.
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    President Rivlin with Ukranian FM Klimkin President Rivlin with Ukranian FM Klimkin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Monday, 27 November, 2017), held a working meeting at his residence with the Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin, who is visiting Israel.
    During the meeting, the two discussed the importance of strengthening ties between Israel and Ukraine and the Ukranian Jewish community as an integral part of the Ukranian people. The President stressed that the State of Israel is concerned by the growing phenomena of anti-Semitism around the world and in Europe in particular, noting “Never again is an imperative for the whole world, not just for the Jewish People. We are close friends, while we cannot forget, as we are sure neither can you. I am certain you will continue to fight uncompromisingly against anti-Semitism and all racism.”
    President Rivlin and Foreign Minister Klimkin discussed regional developments and the evolving situation in Europe. The President emphasized that he would continue to do everything in his power to deepen the ties between the two countries. The Foreign Minister thanked the President for his warm welcome and stressed that the coexistence of Jews and Ukrainians for hundreds of years had created deep ties between the peoples. He also recalled the deep impression that the President made on him during his visit to Ukraine in September of last year. 
    The Foreign Minister spoke of the joint economic opportunities for Israel and Ukraine and of the flourishing tourism between both countries that he hopes will contintue to develop. The President assured him that he would promote the issue with the relevant authorities in Israel.