Holocaust Remembrance Day

Holocaust Remembrance Day

  •   Holocaust Remembrance Day
    On April 20th 2020,  the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai honors the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.On April 20th 2020,  the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai honors the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

    On April 20th 2020,  the Israeli Consulate in Shanghai honors the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

    Holocaust, also known as the Shoah, was the World War II genocide of the European Jews. Between 1941 and 1945, across German-occupied Europe, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.

    I would like to share a true story written by Yael Einav-My Private Holocaust Day

    The Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day is on April 21st 2020, we would like to honor this day by sharing a personal story from a member in our community.

    Every year on the 27th day of the Jewish month of Nissan, the day when Israelis remember the 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis, my mother would disappear. 20 years ago today, the Holocaust Remembrance Day fell on May 1st, which is also my mothers birthday. On that Birthday and Holocaust Day, the doctor told us that my amazing and healthy mother had only a short time left to live. My mom, who was in the middle of working on another huge TV production; immediately pointed out the direct connection between what she went through in the Holocaust, and the aggressive cancer that attacked her in the middle of life. It was the cost of repression of the events she lived through, a repression that allowed her, and millions of other holocaust survivors, to live a full life.
    Three months later, my mom passed away. During that time we heard more and more details about an eight year old girl, left to fend for herself and her two younger siblings, in the dark, freezing basements of Budapest, Hungary. We heard about the terrible hunger, and the unthinkable responsibility left on the shoulders of an eight-year old, trying to find food scraps to feed her younger brother and sister.
    My mother was larger than life, and I adored her. In her attempt to shield us, her children, she never told us anything of this. The woman who was behind the biggest projects of the Israeli TV, and the children programs we grew up, was always behind us like a bulldozer, pushing us forward to live and flower.
    My grandfather had long been taken to the horrendous forced labor camps in 1943, long before the Death Marches began in Budapest. My grandmother, then 27 years old, was taken with her three young children, together with 80,000 Jews, for a march through the snow. The march started along the Danube River, which according to eyewitnesses was red with the blood of Jews murdered along its banks, and went on for hundreds of kilometers, with the clear intention that few will survive it. Somewhere along the route, in an unimaginably heroic move, my grandmother hid her three young children in a cellar along the way, thereby saving their lives. My grandmother survived the march, and arrived at Auschwitz death camp, she never returned from there.
    The three children, aged 5, 7 and 8, wandered from cellar to cellar for long months, freezing cold, hungry and thirsty. When the Russians freed Hungary of the Nazis, there were many cases of looting and rape. My mother was a beautiful child. When the war was over, her grandfather, who had survived the horror, went from cellar to cellar lighting his face with a candlestick and asking if anyone recognized him. That is how he found the children. He needed a wheel barrow to transport the children to safety, as their feet had frozen and they were incapable of walking by themselves.
    My father always claimed my mother was one of the “Lamed Vav”, the 36 Righteous Ones. Out of this hell, an amazing, powerful woman emerged, who was a pillar of support to all who knew her. Except for the sad eyes, the inability to sleep at night, A house always full of food and her need to feed everyone, no one knew or felt anything of her history.
    She did not mean to leave us without a trace; on the day she died, my eldest child arrived and was named after her.
    The Holocaust of the Jews of Hungary took place on 1944, during which approximately 600,000 Jews were murdered in several months.

    Here is an official link to the Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center. You can know more about Holocaust.

    You can also visit the Shanghai Refugee Museum to commemorate the history. The Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum is a museum commemorating the Jewish refugees who lived in Shanghai during World War II after fleeing Europe to escape the after fleeing Europe to escape the Holocaust. It is located at the former Ohel Moshe or Moishe Synagogue, in    the Tilanqiao Historic Area of Hongkou district, Shanghai, China. The museum features      documents, photographs, films, and personal items documenting the lives of some of the    more than 20,000 Jewish residents of the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees, better   known as the district, Shanghai, China. The museum features documents, photographs,      films, and personal items documenting the lives of some of the more than 20,000 Jewish      residents of the Restricted Sector for Stateless Refugees, better known as the Shanghai    Ghetto, during the  during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai.
    You can know more about Shanghai Refugee Museum by the following link.