Study Visa

Student Visa

    It must be filled by English or Hebrew completely and correctly, please refer to the INSTRUCTION.
    2. Two photos in white or blue background, size 5*5cm.
    3. Passport valid for more than 6 months counted from the day of leaving Israel, please submit the old passport if there’s any.
    4. Acceptance letter issued by any Israeli legal education organization or proof of exchange program.
    5. Receipt of tuition fee payment or letter of scholarship from the education organization.
    6. Original employment letter issued by the applicant’s employer and a stamped copy of business license, or student certificate and a stamped organization code certificate of the school (if there’s any). It should be printed on the official paper with the stamp and signature.
    7. Proof of sufficient financial support for studying and living in Israel (e.g. bank statement, deposit certificate, property ownership certificate, vehicle certificate, etc.). If these documents belong to the parents or spouse, please provide proof of family relationship (e.g. Hukou, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).
    8. . The application documents should be in the size of A4 and not stapled. Each visa applicant should provide the complete visa application documents individually if more than one applicant apply at the same time, and prepare copies accordingly if some original document is shared.
    10. The spouse and children under 18 years old of A/2 applicant can submit their A/4 visa applications at the same time, and once the A/4 is approved, it's validity will be as long as the A/2. The A/4 applicants should provide invitation letter, application forms, photos, passports accordingly. The spouse should provide the original marriage certificate and its copy, and for the children, please see the following "REMARKS".
    REMARKS: Applicants under 18 years old, please click here for instruction.
             Click here for the consent form of "Parental consent to granting a visa for minor child".

    A/4 - Family / Friend visit :

    This visa type is applicable to who needs to visit families and friends. Non-Israeli citizen who is working with B/1 visa, his/her parents, spouse and children under 18 years old can not apply this type of visa in the consulate, and need to consult the Ministry of Interior of Israel.
