CEO of the Israeli Innovation Authority visited Shanghai Vice Mayor

CEO of IIA visited Shanghai Vice Mayor

    ​On the morning of July 3, 2019, Mr. Aharon Aharon, CEO of Israel Innovation Agency, Mr. Avi Luvton and Ms. Racheli Ben- Onn, Directors of Asia Pacific, Dr. Eyal Propper, the Consuls general of Israel in Shanghai visited China- Israel Innovation Hub(Shanghai) and had meetings with the Putuo District mayor Zhou Minhao and representatives of the China-Israel Innovation hub(Shanghai).
    Later on, Wu Qing, Vice-mayor of Shanghai, and Chen Mingbo, Vice secretary-general, had a meeting with Mr. Aharon Aharon, the head of Israeli Innovation Agency. Made in-depth exchanges on the cooperation between Shanghai and Israel in the field of innovation and high technology. They also state that Shanghai attaches great importance and will strongly support with all the cooperations.​