PM Netanyahu meets with Mexican President Nieto

    We are proud of our past, but are eager to seize the future. The future belongs to those who innovate. Israel is known as the Innovation Nation. We believe that through our partnership, we can bring the fruits of this innovation to the people of Mexico.
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    PM Netanyahu with Mexican President Nieto PM Netanyahu with Mexican President Nieto Copyright: GPO/Avi Ohayon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)     
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in Mexico City with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. They discussed upgrading the bilateral free trade agreement and expanding trade. Agreements were signed regarding aviation, an MOU on MASHAVand a space agreement (see below for details).
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
     "Thank you, my friend, President Peña Nieto for your personal friendship, for the friendship of Mexico. This is a milestone. As incredible as it sounds, what you just said always astounds me: that this is the first visit since the founding of the State of Israel of an Israeli prime minister in Latin America. It's the first visit in Mexico. It is, I would say, an unpardonable lapse, but we want the pardon. We're here. We think that we correct now a historic lapse, because Mexico is a great country. It's one of the world's great economies, it's a great nation, a great people, a great culture. We want to be close, even closer to Mexico, and this is what this meeting signifies. 
    I think that the first thing that I would say is that we want to congratulate you on your upcoming Independence Day, and also offer our condolences, once again, to those who lost their lives in the tragic earthquake. We have, as you said, offered any help that we can give to Oaxaca and Chiapas and anything that you deem appropriate, we stand ready, because we stand with you. 
    We have established 65 years of diplomatic relations, but those relations are gathering steam now. There is an innate sympathy between our peoples. We both are very proud of our traditions. You have the great religious and cultural affinities. Mexico has the Basilica of Guadalupe, where the Virgin Mary was revealed. Well, Israel is a place where she was born, and of course, where Jesus talked and preached. And I offer all our friends in Mexico to come visit Israel, walk in the footsteps of Jesus, where you will see this ancient land that is coming back alive. And in fact this is, I think, the main theme of our meeting, of our agreements, of our partnership. We are proud of our past, but we are eager to seize the future. And it's important to understand that the future is rushing at us with great speed. Those countries that will enjoy the future are those that will innovate. The future belongs to those who innovate. Israel is known as the Innovation Nation. We believe that through our partnership, we can bring the fruits of this innovation to the people of Mexico."
    1. Aviation agreement: The goal is to develop air services between the sides including regular passenger flights between the two countries. The agreement is designed to ensure the level of security on international air transportation. Upon the ratification of the agreement and its entry into force, the airlines of each side will be able to benefit from various privileges regarding the operation of international air services such as overflight of national territories without landing, mutual landing rights and the use of additional stops for the transport of passengers, cargo and mail.
    2. An MOU on MASHAV: The MOU is designed to facilitate cooperation in international development that will focus on relevant development issues including water, agriculture, initiatives and innovation. Under the terms of the MOU, the sides will focus on bilateral and trilateral dialogue in order to deal with global challenges and improve global development results. The cooperation will take place – inter alia – through exchanges of knowledge and recommended work methods and mutual assistance to third countries. The MOU will enter into force upon signing.
    3. Space agreement: The goal of the agreement is to create the legal infrastructure for cooperation in the uses of outer space for peaceful purposes which, in turn, will enable the two countries' space agencies to cooperate on many joint space research projects. The agreement is of major diplomatic importance in light of – inter alia – Mexico's assuming the chair of the UN Committee on the Civilian Uses of Outer Space, which admitted Israel as a member two years ago and where Israel is competing – as the representative of the regional WEOG bloc – for the post second vice chair. The agreement is subject to ratification.