awards Public Diplomacy

PM Netanyahu awards Public Diplomacy Prize to Prof

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    PM Netanyahu with Prof. Arens (right) at the award ceremony PM Netanyahu with Prof. Arens (right) at the award ceremony Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Sunday, 25 February 2018), at a Foreign Ministry event, awarded the Public Diplomacy Prize to Moshe Arens and made the following remarks:
    "Over the weekend we received additional proof of the strength and importance of the link with the United States. From the depths of my heart, I thank President Trump for his historic announcement that the American Embassy would move to Jerusalem, close to the date of Israel's 70th anniversary festivities. This is a decision that rests on recognition of the reality and of the depth of the right, and the depth of the roots, of the Jewish People in its eternal capital. I am also certain that other countries will follow the US and move their embassies to Jerusalem. Today, as the State of Israel attains unprecedented standing in the international arena, it is very important to understand the roots of the process and it is no less important to salute Moshe Arens' many merits.
    We are constantly upgrading our military-intelligence capability. We are constantly striving to ensure our unique advantage and we respond vigorously to any violation of our sovereignty. Whoever hurts us – we will hurt him with great strength.
    Dear Moshe, this is the moment to show public and personal gratitude. I have gained much from our friendship, from the help over the years, from the wise counsel, and from the rare understanding that cannot be gainsaid. You told me: 'Every day I look at the State of Israel with happiness because the dream has been realized.'
    For myself and for the citizens of Israel, thank you Moshe. Thank you for your contribution to realizing the dream and for many more good and satisfying years. Congratulations on receiving the prize."