Washington State

Washington State honors Israel

    Washington State Celebrates 70 Years of Independence for the State of Israel
    Last week, Consul General Shlomi Kofman traveled to Olympia, Wash as the State Senate officially marked the 70th anniversary for the state of Israel’s independence. Over the previous 70 years, Israel has gone from a nation fighting to defend its sovereignty to a global high-tech start-up nation, second only to the US in innovation per capita. 
    Consul General Kofman met with both Jewish and Christian Legislators, and with leaders from the local community. The Consul General spoke about his gratitude for the support of Washington’s political and community leaders coming together to celebrate such an important moment for Israel. He next arrived at the Capitol building, where the State Senate passed a resolution and the Republican Caucus of the State House presented a statement honoring the 70th year of independence of the State of Israel.
    Following the proclamations in both chambers of the state legislators, Consul General Kofman attended an official celebration, where lawmakers, community leaders and heads of organizations came to celebrate the friendship and partnership between Washington State and the State of Israel.
    The Consulate General of Israel to the Pacific Northwest, on behalf of the State of Israel, thanks Senator Reuven Carlyle, Senator Lisa Wellman, Senator Michael Baumgartner, Senator David Frockt, Senator Jan Angel, Senator John Braun, and Senator Steve O’Ban for their additional statements honoring Israel.