The 'Line of Terror'

The 'Line of Terror'

  •   Iranian terrorism from Argentina to Bulgaria
    On July 18th 2012, 18 years to the day after a bomb ripped through the Argentinian Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and injuring hundreds, a suicide bomber detonated a device on a bus carrying Israeli tourists in Burgus, Bulgaria. Six were killed, including a pregnant woman, and more than thirty were injured. The victims were mostly young people on vacation. Ambassador Haim Waxman, Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the U.N., made clear in his address to the Security Council on July 25th that Iran and Hezbollah were responsible, the same culprits as in the Argentina attack.
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    President Ahmadinejad President Ahmadinejad
    In his address on ‘The Situation in the Middle East’, Ambassador Waxman stressed that the atrocity against innocent civilians was not isolated, nor will the threat of subsequent attacks dissipate until the extent of Iran’s terror campaign is acknowledge, and concerted action taken to stop it at the source:
    'In recent months, Israelis were targeted in terrorist attacks and attempted attacks in India, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Kenya, Turkey and, most recently, in Cyprus. Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for each and every one of these acts. This is just one part of a bigger picture. Iran and Hezbollah's most recent terrorist plots span five continents and at least 24 countries.
    A clear line of terror runs from the bombing in Argentina to the attack in Bulgaria. It begins and ends in Iran. The Iranian campaign of terrorism is a plague that threatens not only Israelis and Jews, but innocent people all over the globe.'
    The open alliance between Iran and Hezbollah is beyond dispute. On the anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini’s death on June 3rd 2009, Sheikh Naim Qassem, Hezbollah deputy secretary general told Al-Jazeera TV that the Iranian leadership determined Hezbollah’s policies. Ali Akbar Velayati, advisor to the Supreme Leader Khamenei on international affairs, has also admitted that Iran fully supports Hezbollah and the Syrian regime.
    Ambassador Waxman detailed the cooperation of the ‘trio of brutality’, or the alliance of Iran, Hezbollah and Syria:

    'Hezbollah and Iran are an integral part of Assad's killing machine. Just a few days ago, Hezbollah's leader gave a speech praising the Assad regime, calling it (quote) "a real military partner." Hezbollah and Iran provide weapons, ammunition, training, intelligence, logistical equipment, and more to Assad. They offer their unique expertise in the business of terrorism, monitoring people on the Internet, and bypassing international sanctions. Iran and Hezbollah - Assad's allies in this "trio of brutality" - will cross any line to keep the Assad regime in power - and to make sure that the Syrian people's quest for freedom is suppressed. And as we watch these events unfold, Iran continues to advance its military nuclear program.'

    In the week before the Burgus terror attack, Iran hosted a conference in Tehran titled ‘Syria, the First Line of Resistance’. Syria’s Ambassador to Iran, Hamed Hassan, was present, and the conference was dedicated to the current developments in Syria, with the participants expressing their continued support for President Bashar Assad and his government. The objective of the event was to draw upon Iran’s expertise in suppressing and acting against opposition activists through cyberspace, and apply this experience to quashing the uprising in Syria. Meanwhile, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah reiterated his support for the Syrian regime.

    Since the 16 month uprising in Syria began, Iran and Hezbollah have directly facilitated the brutal Assad ‘killing machine’, and the death toll rises sharply every day as the fighting intensifies. An estimated 19,000 people have died as a result of the conflict.
    On Wednesday 25th July, further confirmation was provided of the global menace posed by the Iran-Hezbollah-Syria alliance, as the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee assessed the Iranian threat. The lawmakers and experts testifying concluded that Iran, which the U.S. ‘has long regarded as the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism’, would be emboldened if it acquires nuclear weapons. Democratic Senator Bob Casey stated that a nuclear Iran would feel encouraged to ‘conduct more terrorist attacks against U.S. and Israeli targets, provide more lethal assistance to Hezbollah and Palestinian militant groups, and give the Quds Force greater freedom to support terrorist groups across the Middle East’. Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute reckoned that even the heavy economic sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program would not deter its backing for international terrorism.

    Despite the explicit and widespread acknowledgement of the formidable Iranian terror alliance and its extensive global reach, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his conviction that Israel will not stint from carrying out its crucial role at the forefront of fighting numerous threats to global and regional stability: "The wave of Iranian terrorism that is also perpetrated through Hezbollah has met with, and will yet meet with, determined actions."