
AMA - Cancer Research with Prof Neta Erez

    Hi! I am Tel Aviv University cancer biologist, Prof. Neta Erez. I study the tumor metastasis microenvironment.
    Tumors are more than just a bunch of cancer cells. They are better described as multicellular organisms. In each tumor there are complex interactions with immune cells, which cause inflammation processes in the connective tissue and blood vessels.
    In my lab, we study these interactions to understand how tumor cells “hijack” physiological pathways and use them to support their growth. Additionally, we also study the link between cancer and inflammation, specifically how cancer cells metastasize and grow in distant organs from their original host.

    Prof. Erez studies the biology of tumor metastasis, focusing on the metastatic microenvironment, cancer-related inflammation and the role of stromal and immune cells in facilitating the early and late stages of metastasis. Prof. Erez’s work focuses on these crucial aspects of cancer. She uses mouse models of carcinogenesis and metastasis of melanoma, breast, and ovarian carcinoma. The main goal of her research is to identify and characterize key molecular pathways in the communication between tumor cells and their microenvironment that can be targeted by novel therapeutics.

    Join us on March 3rd 10am PT for a unique opportunity to ask Prof. Neta Erez ANYTHING about #cancer #cancerresearch and much more!

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