Protective Edge: Iran and Hizbullah Announce Military Support for Gaza's Terrorist Organizations

Iran and Hizbullah Renew Support of Terror in Gaza

    In recent days, especially on the background of Iran's "al-Quds [Jerusalem] Day" (25 July), senior Iranian officials have expressed their support for increasing military assistance to the terror organizations in the Gaza Strip, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Hizbullah, a client terrorist organization of Iran in Lebanon, also pledged support.


    Posted 7/28/14

    ​​Iranian Parliamentary Speaker, Ali Larijani, admitted that Iran shared with [terror] organizations in Gaza its military technology which serves them in the current fighting and will keep on doing so. Larijani also said that Palestinians' clear needs are basic goods and weapons, ​​​and Iran is playing a significant role in supplying these essential needs.

    (al-Alam, Iranian TV in Arabic, 27 July)


    Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, said that "Tel Aviv’s unimaginable crimes show the innate reality of Israel, whose only cure is annihilation… Of course until then, Palestinians’ resolute, armed resistance and its expansion to the West Bank is the only way to confront this savage regime.”

    (Press TV, 28 July)


    Under Supreme leader Khamenei 's instructions, Iranian Revolutionary Guards are promoting fund raising campaigns to assist Palestinians in smuggling weapons into the West Bank.

    (Basij website, 27 July)


    Secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mohsen Rezaei sent a letter to Muhammad Daif, commander of Hamas' al-Qassam Martyrs Brigades, promising him that any weapons Hamas needs will be sent in every possible way.

    ​​(Fars, 24)


    The Commander of Iran's Basij Force (a paramilitary militia operating under the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, said that the government should use this huge capacity and popular backup for defending the Palestinians. At present, the Iranian Basijis are ready for jihad on the Palestinian fronts, and are waiting for the Supreme Leader's order."

    (Fars, 26 July)


    The Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Aerospace Force, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, underscored the necessity of arming the Palestinians in the West Bank: "We believe the West Bank, too, should be armed just like Gaza." He stated that the move will speed up Israel's annihilation.

    (Fars, 25 July)


    Hizbullah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah,  also emphasized his obligation to assisting terror organizations in Gaza:


    "Iran and Syria along with the resistance in Lebanon, particularly Hizbullah, have not fallen short in supporting the Palestinian resistance for years with all available media, financial and logistical means. Hizbullah did and will continue to stand by the Palestinian people and by the resistance in Palestine. Hizbullah did not spare any support for the resistance. We tell our brothers in Gaza we are with you and beside you and we will do anything that we perceive is a duty on all fronts."

    (al-Manar TV, 25 July)


    Nasrallah also met Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdolahian, in Lebanon to discuss coordination of planned support to the [terror] organizations in Gaza.

    (Al-Alam, Iranian TV in Arabic, 27)​