President Rivlin speaks by telephone with German President Gauck 20 December 2016

President Rivlin speaks by telephone with German President Gauck

    Even at such times of tragedy and heartbreak we strengthen our resolve to stand united and firm against terrorism. Israel stands hand in hand with Germany in the fight against hatred, extremism, and all forms of terror.
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    President Reuven Rivlin President Reuven Rivlin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson) 
    President Reuven Rivlin today (Tuesday, 20 December 2016) spoke by telephone with President Joachim Guack of Germany, and expressed his deepest sympathies following the terror attack in Berlin last night.
    President Gauck updated President Rivlin on what was known about the attack thus far, including current information regarding Israelis injured in the attack.
    “Mr. President, at a time when I should rather be extending to you seasonal greetings and wishes for the New Year, I find myself once again sadly having to express my heartfelt condolences to you and all the German people following the terror attack in Berlin last night,” said President Rivlin to President Guack.
    “Even at such times of tragedy and heartbreak we strengthen our resolve to stand united and firm against terrorism,” added the President, and continued, “Israel stands hand in hand with Germany in the fight against hatred, extremism, and all forms of terror.”
    President Gauck thanked the President and said, “Thank you Mr. President for your warmhearted words and the expression of your condolences. I appreciate you calling me and expressing your condolences because I know that you and your country are in a position to understand fully what being threatened by terrorism means for a people and a nation because in your country it has become almost a daily phenomenon. We know that you can feel with us and commiserate. I am deeply moved by the fact that you are calling me and I thank you wholeheartedly.”
    President Rivlin concluded, “Fighting terror is the task of all the free world, this is a wake-up call. On behalf of all the citizens of the State of Israel, I extend my deepest sympathies to the bereaved families, and send our wishes for a speedy and full recovery to the injured. May this next year see an end to terror and hatred