

    • Peres awarded Medal of Freedom

      On Tuesday evening, June 13, 2012, at the White House, President Barack Obama awarded Israel President Shimon Peres with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
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    • Peres and Clinton at Brookings

      Peres, in Washington to receive the Medal of Freedom from President Obama, participated in an event at the Brookings Institution together with US Secy of State Clinton.
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    • Amb Prosor to UNGA on Syria

      Prosor to UN General Assembly: "The people of Syria are the deliberate targets of a brutal regime that will commit any crime to cling to power."
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    • Press Conference with OECD

      PM Netanyahu: The policies that have worked for us so far are the policies that will work for us in the future: control spending; be careful and responsible; encourage growth; enact reforms.
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    • MFA condemns violence

      The issue of migrants and infiltrators from Africa is not a simple one and it requires the government to address it in the most serious and responsible manner.
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