

    • Netanyahu/Livnat meet athletes

      PM Netanyahu and Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat met on Monday, 9 July 2012, with the members of the Israeli Olympic delegation which will soon leave for London.
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    • Greeting by PM Netanyahu

      The American Revolution brought these two powerful ideas together and they made America a beacon of liberty for all humanity.
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    • Carmel Caves Heritage Site

      On Friday, 29 June 2012, the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO voted to list the Nahal Me'arot / Wadi el-Mughara Caves as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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    • Liberman meets Italian PM, FM

      FM Liberman expressed appreciation for Italy's support of Israel at the EU and international fora and said that he very much appreciates Italy’s stand on the issue of sanctions against Iran.
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    • Liberman dedicates hospital

      FM Liberman dedicates four mobile structures that will serve as a regional maternity hospital in the Emilia-Romagna district in northern Italy, which was hard hit by an earthquake in May.
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