Ministers and Senior Officials of the 33rd Government of Israel

Ministers and Senior Officials of the 33rd Governm

    The New Government
  • 33rd Government ministers at the President's Residence, 18 March 2013 (Photo: GPO)
     Shimon Peres - President

    33rd Government ministers at the President's Residence, 18 March 2013 
    (Photo: GPO)
     Government Ministers
     Benjamin Netanyahu - Prime Minister
    Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Public Affairs and the Diaspora
     Yitzhak Aharonovitch - Minister of Public Security
     Uri Ariel - Minister of Housing and Construction
     Naftali Bennett - Minister of Trade, Industry and Labor, Minister of Religious Services, Minister for Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs
     Meir Cohen - Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs
     Gilad Erdan - Minister of Communications and Home Front Protection 
     Yael German - Minister of Health
     Yisrael Katz - Minister of of Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety
     Uzi Landau - Minister of Tourism
     Sofa Landver - Minister of Immigration Absorption
     Yair Lapid - Minister of Finance
     Limor Livnat - Minister of Culture and Sport
     Tzipi Livni - Minister of Justice
     Uri Orbach - Minister for Senior Citizens
     Amir Peretz - Minister of Environmental Protection
     Yaakov Perry - Minister of Science and Technology
     Shai Piron - Minister of Education
     Gideon Sa'ar - Minister of the Interior
     Silvan Shalom - Minister of Water and Energy, Minister for Regional Development and the Development of the Negev and the Galilee
     Yair Shamir - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
     Yuval Steinitz - Minister of Strategic and Intelligence Affairs responsible for International Relations
     Moshe Ya'alon - Minister of Defense

     Deputy Ministers
     MK Ofir Akunis – Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, responsible for liaison between the Government and the Knesset
     Eli Ben-Dahan - Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs 
     Danny Danon - Deputy Minister of Defense
     Zeev Elkin - Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
     MK Tzipi Hotovely - Deputy Minister of Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety
     MK Fania Kirshenbaum – Deputy Minister of the Interior
     Mickey Levy - Deputy Minister of Finance
     Avi Wortzman - Deputy Minister of Education

     Senior Government Officials
     Yuli Edelstein - Speaker of the Knesset
     Asher Dan Grunis - President of the Supreme Court  
     Stanley Fischer - Governor of the Bank of Israel
     Lt.-Gen. Benjamin Gantz - IDF Chief of General Staff 
     Yehuda Weinstein - Attorney General 
     Joseph H. Shapira - State Comptroller and Ombudsman
     Rabbi Shlomo Amar - Sephardi Chief Rabbi
     Rabbi Yona Metzger
     - Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi