EU calls on Hamas to disarm, condemns use of civilians as shields

EU Calls on Hamas to Disarm

  •   EU condemns use of civilians as shields
  • Photo: REUTERS, jpost
    (Source: Council of the EU)
    The EU strongly condemns the indiscriminate firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas and militant groups in the Gaza Strip, directly harming civilians. These are criminal and unjustifiable acts. The EU calls on Hamas to immediately put an end to these acts and to renounce violence. All terrorist groups in Gaza must disarm. The EU strongly condemns calls on the civilian population of Gaza to provide themselves as human shields.
    Recent events in the wider Middle East pose serious threats to the EU as well as to its immediate neighbours. The European Union reiterates its fundamental commitment to the security of Israel, including with regard to current and emerging threats in the region.
    The MFA Praises EU Foreign Ministers' Conclusions on Protective Edge
    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs praised the conclusions of the European Union Foreign Affairs Council (22 July) in regard to Operation Protective Edge.
    The European Union reinforces its designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization when it strongly condemns the indiscriminate firing of rockets on a civilian population and Hamas' use of civilians as human shields. Europe's Foreign Ministers classified Hamas' actions as criminal.
    The Foreign Ministry likewise praises the European Union's call for the disarmament of the terror organizations in the Gaza Strip of their weapons and the demilitarization of Gaza.
    These EU statements are completely in line with the perception that guides Israel in the fight against terrorism and they open the door for cooperation in implementing common principles for restoring peace and security.
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, who has been in contact with his colleagues, Foreign Ministers across Europe, prior to the meeting declared that the statement of the EU ministers illustrates that the free world is united against Hamas terrorism and that Israel has the full right to protect itself.