Cabinet communique 10 Aug 2014

Cabinet communique

    The government approved a series of proposals to assist the communities of Israel's south.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 10 August 2014):

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "Operation Protective Edge is continuing. At no stage did we declare its conclusion. The operation will continue until its goal is met - the restoration of a quiet for a long period. I said at the outset of, and throughout, the operation that it would take time and patience. Israel will not negotiate under fire and Israel will continue to take all action in order to change the current reality and bring quiet to all of its citizens. We will stand together, united and determined, until we complete the work."

    Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon also spoke.

    2. The Cabinet approved a proposal to establish a NIS 30 million appreciation, assistance and compensation fund for the IDF reservists who were mobilized for Operation Protective Edge.

    3. The Cabinet approved the launching of an integrated government effort in which various teams will formulate plans to strengthen the economy of, and communities in, the south and the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

    4. The Cabinet approved a NIS 50 million proposal to build a new student village in Sderot.

     5. The Cabinet approved an approximately NIS 23 million proposal for the immediate assistance of the residents of Sderot and the communities in the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

    6. Defense Minister Yaalon, IDF Deputy Chief-of-Staff Maj.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and GOC Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi briefed ministers on actions and events related to Operation Protective Edge, the resumption of firing and the IDF response following Hamas' refusal to extend the ceasefire, as well as the Egyptian-led efforts to reach a diplomatic arrangement.