Beresheet (Genesis)

Launching of Israel’s First Lunar Spacecraft

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    PM Netanyahu in the Israel Aerospace Industries control room during the launching of Beresheet. PM Netanyahu in the Israel Aerospace Industries control room during the launching of Beresheet. Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, early this morning (Friday, 22 February 2019), at the Israel Aerospace Industries control room, attended the event to watch the launch of the first Israeli spacecraft, 'Beresheet' (Genesis in English).  The spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 3:45 a.m. Israel time, and is expected to land on the moon on or around April 11, 2019.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu, before the launch:

    "This evening, I would like, first of all, to honor the memories of Ilan, Rona and Asaf Ramon.

    This attests to Israeli heroism. A marvelous thing is happening here. While this is a great step for Israel, it is a huge step for Israeli technology.

    Several hours ago I said that the State of Israel is a rising global power, to the moon. This is a great achievement and it is very moving. It shows what we are capable of, thanks to the people here, and the people that are here behind me (in the control room) including the scientists, engineers, physicists, mathematicians, managers and donors. Morris, thank you. Thanks for all the initiatives to whoever came up with this brainstorm. We decided to assist, the Science Ministry. I would not be so bold to say that we gave the lion's share but I must say that the entire people of Israel are here behind you, with great faith and enormous excitement.

    I asked that a Tanakh, an Israeli flag and the writing 'Am Yisrael Chai' [the People of Israel Live] be taken to the moon. They told me 'It's OK. It has already been taken care of.' This is something that it was possible only to dream about.

    We are a small, but huge, country – huge in initiatives, huge in its ability to do things, huge in achievements. There are four countries that have launched spacecraft to the moon. One is 800 times larger than us, one is 500 times larger than us and one is a little less. We are a small-huge country and what there is here only attests to the beginning. This is only the beginning. I hope that you are already planning the spacecraft to Mars; manned or unmanned is less important. But this only shows who our people is, what our people is, with very deep roots in our heritage, with aspirations to reach higher and higher.

    You see this in every field. You see how we are achieving breakthroughs. I simply want to tell you: Well done. We are praying for success but the very fact of this experiment is a great success.

    I want to start the countdown together with you."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu, after the launch:

    "Each one of you, like me, will remember this movement because being first is once-in-a-lifetime. The real fuel of this spacecraft is the Israeli audacity and the Israeli genius. There are many audacious geniuses here, and congratulations to you. We are simply moved and now I know what I need to do in the next 60 days.

    This is a very proud moment. True, along with China, Russia and the US, we constitute about one-third of the world's population, but our contribution is vast, regardless of our small size. We are giants.

    What I see here at Israel Aerospace Industries, together with, and the entrepreneurs and leaders of the project, together with you Morris, is extraordinary spirit and enthusiasm.

    What there is here is far beyond the money and – I think – even more than the technology. There is great inspiration and daring here, and as of now great success as well. We look at the clock, another 60 days or so. We will meet on April 11 and I hope that we will be able to celebrate the safe landing of 'Beresheet'.

    Am Yisrael chai."