European Green Deal

The European Green Deal

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    ​ The European Green Deal


    20 NEW Calls for Proposals in 11 areas - with a total budget of 1 billion Euros

    Green Deal Calls Webinar Series - Webinar Recordings and Presentations
    Green Deal Leaflet - a NON-OFFICIAL summary table of the call topics
    Green Deal related events - partner search and brokerage 
    ISERD Partner Search database - fill in the webform in order to be included
    EC official information - 20 calls for proposals
    The Green Deal initiative is the European Commission’s roadmap, aiming to make the EU climate neutral by 2050. In order to do this, the Green Deal initiative will face climate change and environmental degradation challenges.
    The Green Deal is the EU’s new growth strategy, setting the path for a fundamental transformation of Europe’s economies and societies, promoting the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy, restoring biodiversity, lowering pollution and mobilizing research and innovation to foster a just and sustainable societal transition aiming at ‘leaving no one behind’.
    In support of this priority, the Commission is reinforcing Green Deal-related Research and Innovation with dedicated calls for proposals under the current research and innovation programme - Horizon 2020.
    Projects are expected to deliver tangible and visible results relatively quickly and show how research and innovation can provide concrete solutions for the Green Deal's main priorities. In addition to technological development, the Call encourages experimentation with technologies and social innovation, for new ways to engage civil society and empower citizens.
    We invite you to take part in this important initiative.

    For the Israeli impact on Green Deal related topics see ISERD magazine here
    For more details about the European Green Deal initiative here
    ISERD's point of contacts according to call areas: