Public Diplomacy Department

Public Diplomacy Department

    The Department of Public Diplomacy at the Embassy of Israel aims to provide communities throughout the United Kingdom with information about Israel.
    We provide regular email updates, group presentations, lectures by official spokespersons, information on upcoming festivals, invitations to events and a wide assortment of publications.
    We bridge the gap between our two countries through outreach to national and local leadership, ministers and MPs, universities, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, community centres, community and political groups, activist groups, and other organisations interested in developing their knowledge and understanding of Israel.
    We develop information and deepen understanding in areas of mutual interest, including culture, politics, society, economics, infrastructure, environment, counter-terrorism, preventing extremism, and current events in the Middle East.
    The Public Affairs Department provides access to a range of resources including audiovisual aids, brochures, government statements, connections to Israeli organisations, art and photography exhibits, and a speakers bureau.
    For more information, or to contact the department, call +44 (0)20 7957 9500 or email:
 (general queries)
 (Faith Communities, Think Tanks, and NGOs)

  • Director of Public Diplomacy

    Efrat Perri

  • Israel Information Centres