Information for Israeli Citizens

Information for Israeli Citizens


    Consular services for Israeli citizens abroad

    For information on registering Israeli citizens abroad, notarisation, IDF related matters, registering a child abroad, travel documents and more please click here.​

    Information for returning residents

    For information regarding returning residents you can contact the Israeli House by email or telephone: 020 7957 9554


    List of qualified translators

    If you require translation services for a document from the local language into Hebrew or vice versa click here to obtain a list of translators.
    This list does not constitute a recommendation for any of the translators appearing on the list. Use of the services of the various translators is the responsibility of the person utilising the services.

    Burial Services

    If you require a burial services, please click here​.​

    Use of these burial services is the responsibility of the person utilising the services.


    List of lawyers

    Below is a list of attorneys who specialise in criminal law, whose services can be retained if necessary. The mission is not permitted or authorised to recommend any particular attorney. Click here​​ for a list of lawyers​.​​
    To obtain a more detailed list, click here for the website of the local Bar Association.
    This list does not constitute a recommendation for any of the attorneys appearing on the list. Use of the services of the various attorneys is the responsibility of the person utilising the services.


    Details of the Jewish Agency Aliya emissary

    To obtain information about the Jewish Agency offices around the world, please click here.
    Below are details on the Jewish Agency emissary in your area:
    The Jewish Agency
    7th Floor
    Central House
    1 Ballards Lane
    London N3 1LQ